Paola Gaggiotti, Enzo Biscardi in collaborazione con ZONA K

Laboratorio per bambini dai 6 agli 11 anni. Durata 2 ore.

In giro per la città con tre sagome di forma umana… Chi sono?
Forse stranieri, extraterrestri, i nostri vicini di casa, il nostro compagno di banco…

Non sappiamo nulla di loro, non conosciamo l’età, la lingua, il colore della pelle e dei capelli. Non conosciamo i loro gusti e le loro abitudini. Loro non sanno nulla di noi.

Trascorreremo con loro due ore, allo scadere delle quali proveremo a immaginarceli e a disegnarli, dandogli un’identità che tenga conto delle differenze e delle somiglianze che ci siamo immaginati.

Ingresso: 10,00€

Numero limitato di partecipanti. Prenotazioni su

Livia Grossi

A journey between Italy, Burkina Faso and Senegal to talk about theatre and emigration, in times of crisis, through videos, interviews and music.
On the subject, the journalist writes: “The Senegalese are starting to go back home because the game is no longer worth the candle, the Italians are thinking of Africa to escape from loneliness and poverty”.

At the heart of the work is a reflection on a West adrift, the need for a new redefinition of the words “wealth” and “poverty”, but also the urgency of finding a meaning to the encounter between spectator and actor. To rediscover that “Theatre of the origins” which, beyond any commonplace, establishes a renewed form of sharing reality through storytelling and its representation.

A theatrical rite, ancient and daily, in search of a new civilisation of dialogue that compares different identities and expressions.
A rethought journalism, in turn a “journalism of the origins”, capable of transmitting, with feeling and reason, new and necessary motivations.
“More than 200 theatre companies work in Burkina Faso, the sixth poorest country in the world: as if to say, when theatre is an emergency there are no limits, only challenges. Here the shows are a means of information and social education. They talk about AIDS, emigration, infibulation, deaths in childbirth, but also about how to cure oneself with herbs. Theatre is everywhere, under the baobabs in the villages, in the squares amidst the red dust of the streets, under the stars of the theatre in Ouagadogou, or among the clothes hanging in the House of the Word, the ancient court of Sotigui Kouyaté, the griot chosen by Peter Brook for his Mahabharata’.

The reading is preceded by a prologue dedicated to Thomas Sankara, “the African Che Guevara”, with excerpts from his speech on public debt, and updates on recent events in Burkina Faso (photos by Marina Spironetti).
A “theatrical reportage” that transforms the stage into a page of a newspaper, with photographic contributions, video interviews, live music and the journalist who says the piece looking the audience in the eye.


text and voice Livia Grossi; photos and video Emiliano Boga; music Jali Omar Suso; scenic writing Emanuela Villagrossi; video editing Silvia Torri.


Livia Grossi. A freelance journalist, she works for Corriere della Sera, covering theatre, culture and reportage. A great traveller, she has toured South America, Albania and sub-Saharan Africa. Her travels and encounters with people have led to the creation of “Reportage Teatrali”, a different way of reporting, a “new” journalism, which draws heavily from the agora from which it originated.


With the FOCUS IDENTITY, we continue our reflection on contemporary representations of identity, moving on to a more social and anthropological side, looking at the redefinition of cultural and national identities.

We are spectators of an unprecedented migratory flow. On the one hand, we see Europe becoming increasingly self-defined and borders becoming more rigid through nationalistic legacies. On the other hand, a kind of cultural contamination is spreading uncontrollably. Is it still worth talking about ‘nation’ or ‘dominant culture’?

We have thought of a Focus where the colours of cultural and national identities mix as in a card game, where between chance and necessity the construction of new and unexpected communities is determined: a reflection on cultural and national identity, or rather “Against identity”, to quote the famous text by Francesco Remotti.


The events:

January – May 2016
3 sessions. Two companies meet for a project on the theme
Arosio/Boscaro – Teatro Utile

3 May 2016 h. 21.00
[theatrical reading]

4 – 6 May 2016 h. 21.00
Teatro Utile/Mascherenere – SOTTO UN CIELO STRANIERO

6 May 2016 
Arosio/Boscaro – Teatro Utile
presentation of the first step of the Identity Project

8 – 9 May 2016 h. 21.00

10 May 2016 h. 19.00
[meeting with aperitif].

10 May 2016 h. 21.00
[documentary film]


The Focus programme will be complemented by exhibitions, meetings, theoretical reflections and further events for children.

7 May 2016 h. 11.00

7 May 2016 at 3 p.m.
[workshop 3 < 6 years]