Lina Saneh and Rabih Mroué (LB/DE)

video installation | original version translated into Italian
+ meeting with the company

c/o ZONA K, free entrance allowed with 2024 membership

You collect a lot of things over the years, often without knowing why or what you want to do with them. Until one day, you spread them out and start looking at them properly. You try to understand why it is you like them and why you might also be ashamed of them at the same time. You attempt to discover or to invent their stories, struggling to give free rein to your emotions or to tame them. As you look at your collection, you might allow memories to return, and you might try to utter them, mixing your stories with their imagined ones. In brief, you might use them to talk about “you”; you, as an inseparable singular from all the other singulars, you, as an unbreakable moment from history.

written and directed by Lina Majdalanie & Rabih Mroué voice-over Francesca Bracchino e Marcello Spinetta animation Sarmad Louis music Abdalla El-Masri, Charbel Habr, Matef and HoRa’ Mim editing Rabih Mroué, Sarmad Louis sound Rafi Mrad photo corrections Randa Mansour
Commissioned and produced by steirischer herbst ’20

Lina Saneh and Rabih Mroué were born in Beirut in 1966 but reside in Berlin. They generally work together, while also pursuing personal projects. Rabih Mroué has developed a versatile artistic practice in which he assumes, often simultaneously, the functions of actor, director and playwright, with a peculiar ability to photograph the contemporary. Since 1990, he and Lina Saneh have created performances that blur the boundaries between disciplines in a poetic fusion of theatre, installations, performance art and video. Together they present works that directly reflect the social and political realities of their country, while delving into the underlying issues and contradictions of Lebanese society.

Rimini Protokoll (DE)

THE WALKS is an app with a series of walks by German theatre company, Rimini Protokoll. Each walk is a short audio experience for a specific place in your city, and an invitation to rediscover and interact with your environment.

It takes approximately 20 minutes to do an audio walk. Get going whenever you want. You decide how many of the walks you’d like to do and in what order. The stories and soundscapes in the short audio experiences are global in scope. “The Walks” connects people around the world in a local experience via the fundamental human action of walking.

Walking in public gained new meaning with the COVID-19 pandemic. An ancient, daily ritual became an integral part of the new normality. People meet, walk, stroll through neighborhoods, play in landscapes, and perceive their environment anew with every stride.

THE WALKS understands walking as a theatrical scenario – an audio-guided walk in parks, a staged walk in supermarkets or timed interactions on riverbanks. In every city, voices, sounds, and music turn familiar places into sites and landscapes into stages step by step through storytelling, dialogical situations, choreographic discoveries, or musical and rhythmic variations on walking. The title of every walk indicates where or how to do it: “Walk for a cemetery,” “Walk along the water,” or “Walk around a roundabout.”

THE WALKS is a production of Rimini Apparat co-produced by ZONA K



App info: “The Walks” is a smartphone app that you can download from the App Store or Google Play at a cost of xxxx euro. To start The Walks, you will receive an activation code when you purchase your ticket, which you will enter into the app.

Technical requirements: In order for the app to run smoothly, you need to have a current operating system (5 or later for Android or 13 or later for iOS). You will need 100 MB of storage space on your device to install “The Walks” app.
“The Walks” is an invitation to walk at different speeds and intensities. More detailed information on each walk is available in the app.

Access code for the walks: only on, ticket €6. After purchasing, you will receive an access code for the walks in the app by email.


Text, direction Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi , Daniel Wetzel Concept, dramaturgy Cornelius Puschke App development Steffen Klaue , Alexander Morosow Sounddesign/Mastering Frank Böhle Music/Composition Frank Böhle et al. (see individual walks) Graphic design Ilona Marti Voice recordings Rimini Protokoll, studio lärm and Lorenz Rollhäuser Production manager Maitén Arns Production assistant Steven Sander App development assistant Gaétan Langlois- Meurinne

Translation Panthea (Naomi Boyce , Aurélien Foster, Anna Galt, Erica Grossi, Vivian Ia , Adrien Leroux , Lianna Mark, Samuel Petit, Yanik Riedo, Lorenzo de Sabbata ) Experts/Directors Erdem Gunduz , Stephanie Haug, Katja Otto, Martin Schmitz, Antonio Tagliarini Contributions/Vocals Bente Bausum, Melanie Baxter-Jones, Lena Bruun Bondeson, Lene Calvez, Maimouna Coulibaly, Louisa Devins, Margot Gödros, Melissa Holroyd, Christiane Hommelsheim, Stéphane Hugel , Timur Isik, Mmakgosi Kgabi, Kraffira, Alexandra, La Koffick Max Lechat, Joshua Lerner, Steve Mekoudja, Lara-Sophie Milagro, Kamran Sorusch, Antonio Tagliarini, Lucie Zelger Documentation/Trailer Expander Film (Stefan Korsinsky , Lilli Kuschel)

Thanks to Barcelona Cicle de l’Aigua , Milagro Alvarez, Ignasi Batalle Barber, Aljoscha Begrich, Andreas Fischbach, Jannis Grimm (Institute for the Study of Protest and Social Movements), Ant Hampton, Lilli Kuschel, Jan Meuel , Barbara Morgenstern, Ricardo Sarmiento, Hilla Steiner, Enric Tello, Valentin Wetzel, SA, Gustavo Ramon Wilhelmi

A production by Rimini Apparat in co-production with creart/Teatrelli, BorderLight – International Theatre + Fringe Festival Cleveland, European Forum Alpbach, Fondazione Armonie d’Arte, HAU – Hebbel am Ufer, Hellerau – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste, Internationales Sommerfestival Kampnagel, ZONA K, Festival PERSPECTIVESSupported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Commissioner of the Federal Government for Culture and Media and the Department for Culture and Europe of the German Senate



Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi and Daniel Wetzel founded the theatre-label Rimini Protokoll in 2000 and have since worked in different constellations under this name.  Rimini Protokoll often develop their stage-works, interventions, performative installations and audio plays together with experts who have gained their knowledge and skills beyond the theatre. Furthermore, they like to transpose rooms or social structures into theatrical formats. Many of their works feature interactivity and a playful use of technology.

On top of that, Rimini Protokoll received the Mülheimer Dramatikerpreis for “Karl Marx: Das Kapital, Erster Band”, the German theatre award Faust, the Grand Prix Theatre from the Swiss Federal Office for Culture, the European Theatre Award, the Silver Lion at the Theatre Biennale in Venice, as well as the German Audio Play Award and the War Blinded Audio Play Prize.

Since 2003, the production office of Rimini Protokoll is in Berlin.



The events of the second part of the 2021 RAZIONE K Emergency food kit for theatre addicts season

From 8 September 2021
Rimini Protokoll (DE)
a Rimini Apparat production co-produced by ZONA K
[smartphone app]

21 September – 3 October 2021 h. 15.00 – 18.00  every 10′ [closed on Mondays]
FASE NOVE // Assolo Urbano
Ekin Bozkurt, Chiara Campara, Giulia Oglialoro, Riccardo Tabilio, Francesco Venturi (IT)
with Rimini Protokoll (DE)
a project by ZONA K and Casa degli Artisti
[urban walk] with departure from Casa degli Artisti

2 October 2021 h. 16.30
Collettivo MMM (IT)
[team performance game] c/o open square in Via Toce

20 – 31 October 2021
Vernissage 20 October h. 19.00
Tuesday – Sunday from h. 10.00 to 13.00 and from h. 15.00. to 20.00 [closed on Mondays]
Marilyne Grimmer (FR)
[photographic exhibition]

5 – 7 November 2021 h. 20.00
Guinea Pigs (IT)

22 – 28 November 2021
[shows and performances online]

26 November h. 20.00
27 November 2021 h. 17.00 and 20.00
Corps Citoyen (IT/TN)

10 – 12 December 2021 h 20.00
Muna Mussie (IT)


The events of the first part of the 2021 RAZIONE K season

– Preview –
21 – 23 April 2021 h. 16.30
PROJECT AND DEVICE – traces of a multimedia theatre
[digital column]

19 – 22 May 2021 TURIN / 15 – 19 June 2021 MILAN
a production ZONA K, creation CODICEFIONDA (IT)
dramaturgical advice Agrupación Señor Serrano (ES)
Turin c/o Palazzo del ‘900
Milan c/o ZONA K

13 – 14 July 2021 h. 21.45
Agrupación Señor Serrano (ES)
presented in collaboration with and c/o Olida/Da vicino nessuno è normale

20 – 21 July 2021 h. 21.00
Anna Rispoli / Martina Angelotti (IT)
presented in collaboration with and c/o BASE

Emergency food kit for theatre addicted

Razione K was the food ration of American soldiers during World War II.

For us, the RAZIONE K is almost like a small but substantial survival ration, “light and compact”. It is about doing and giving what is necessary to stay alive but dosing resources and energy. It is calibrating our strengths and weights, to be really ready to start again in the light of the changes that every event of this magnitude brings with it.

It is a change of pace with respect to the past, the sign of an intermediate year between a before, very clear and defined, and an after still to be written. On the one hand, it is a transitional year that brings to a close projects that have already begun but have not yet been presented to the public. On the other hand, it presents new ideas, following up on the peculiarities that have distinguished us over the years: audience participation, urban performance, attention to the present and research into new languages in the field of live performance.

There are no more focuses but a part 1 and a part 2. Continuing the metaphor of Razione K: a lunch and a dinner, a first course and a second course, a box 1 and a box 2. A first part that is concentrated from April to July and a second part that starts again in September and includes the autumn/winter until the end of 2021.

The desire to reiterate the importance of sharing projects and ideas with other realities of the artistic and cultural scene in Milan remains firm. Never as in the past year and in the current one has the need for relations, perspective exchanges and comparison on the future been so important.This confirms the collaboration with DANAE/Teatro delle Moire, Olinda/Da vicino nessuno è normale, IntercettAzioni, BASE, Stratagemmi, the Cooperativa Sociale Stripes, Terzo Paesaggio.

On a national level, ZONA K is a partner of In-Situ Italia, a cultural consortium for art in public space created together with Indisciplinarte of Terni in collaboration with BASE Milan, Sardegna Teatro of Cagliari and Pergine Festival in Trentino. “In-Situ Italia” gathers the Italian partners of “In-Situ”, the European platform created in 2003 and which today counts 19 partners from 13 countries. In the four-year period 2020-2024, the Italian consortium will promote the networking of skills and resources, collaborating within the European project “(Un)Common Spaces”.

Moreover, from this year ZONA K is among the new partners who have joined the Call for Digital Residencies conceived and promoted by Centro di Residenza della Toscana (Armunia – CapoTrave/Kilowatt), in partnership with Associazione Marchigiana Attività Teatrali AMAT, the Cooperative Anghiari Dance Hub, ATCL Lazio for Spazio Rossellini, the Centre of Residency Emilia-Romagna (L’Arboreto Teatro Dimora di Mondaino – La Corte Ospitale), the Luzzati Foundation Teatro della Tosse in Genoa.



BOX 1 APRIL – JULY 2021                             BOX 2 SEPTEMBER – DECEMBER 2021

Consumiamo Cultura

BEside – Condividere

Widespread action over the month of August to share culture with those around us.

Culture has been collected: cultural traces of Milanese and EXPO visitors are processed, packaged and distributed at sensitive points in the city.

Packaging to keep food for the mind fresh, fragrant and attractive and to encourage consumers to consume it with the same eagerness with which they consume everything else.


Event by:


Raccolta (IN)differenziata

BElong – Belonging

Raccolta (in)differenziata is a widespread and prolonged action during the month of July that investigates cultural belonging.

July is harvest month.

And we will collect culture, traces of the cultural belonging of the Milanese and visitors to EXPO: ideas, phrases, images, videos, objects, imprints collected by our “farmers”.


  Expo-in-cittÖ_logo_secondario event


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