Rimini Protokoll (DE)


from 8 September 2021

THE WALKS is an app with a series of walks by German theatre company, Rimini Protokoll. Each walk is a short audio experience for a specific place in your city, and an invitation to rediscover and interact with your environment.

It takes approximately 20 minutes to do an audio walk. Get going whenever you want. You decide how many of the walks you’d like to do and in what order. The stories and soundscapes in the short audio experiences are global in scope. “The Walks” connects people around the world in a local experience via the fundamental human action of walking.

Walking in public gained new meaning with the COVID-19 pandemic. An ancient, daily ritual became an integral part of the new normality. People meet, walk, stroll through neighborhoods, play in landscapes, and perceive their environment anew with every stride.

THE WALKS understands walking as a theatrical scenario – an audio-guided walk in parks, a staged walk in supermarkets or timed interactions on riverbanks. In every city, voices, sounds, and music turn familiar places into sites and landscapes into stages step by step through storytelling, dialogical situations, choreographic discoveries, or musical and rhythmic variations on walking. The title of every walk indicates where or how to do it: “Walk for a cemetery,” “Walk along the water,” or “Walk around a roundabout.”

THE WALKS is a production of Rimini Apparat co-produced by ZONA K



App info: “The Walks” is a smartphone app that you can download from the App Store or Google Play at a cost of xxxx euro. To start The Walks, you will receive an activation code when you purchase your ticket, which you will enter into the app.

Technical requirements: In order for the app to run smoothly, you need to have a current operating system (5 or later for Android or 13 or later for iOS). You will need 100 MB of storage space on your device to install “The Walks” app.
“The Walks” is an invitation to walk at different speeds and intensities. More detailed information on each walk is available in the app.

Access code for the walks: only on zonak.co.uk, ticket €6. After purchasing, you will receive an access code for the walks in the app by email.


Text, direction Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi , Daniel Wetzel Concept, dramaturgy Cornelius Puschke App development Steffen Klaue , Alexander Morosow Sounddesign/Mastering Frank Böhle Music/Composition Frank Böhle et al. (see individual walks) Graphic design Ilona Marti Voice recordings Rimini Protokoll, studio lärm and Lorenz Rollhäuser Production manager Maitén Arns Production assistant Steven Sander App development assistant Gaétan Langlois- Meurinne

Translation Panthea (Naomi Boyce , Aurélien Foster, Anna Galt, Erica Grossi, Vivian Ia , Adrien Leroux , Lianna Mark, Samuel Petit, Yanik Riedo, Lorenzo de Sabbata ) Experts/Directors Erdem Gunduz , Stephanie Haug, Katja Otto, Martin Schmitz, Antonio Tagliarini Contributions/Vocals Bente Bausum, Melanie Baxter-Jones, Lena Bruun Bondeson, Lene Calvez, Maimouna Coulibaly, Louisa Devins, Margot Gödros, Melissa Holroyd, Christiane Hommelsheim, Stéphane Hugel , Timur Isik, Mmakgosi Kgabi, Kraffira, Alexandra, La Koffick Max Lechat, Joshua Lerner, Steve Mekoudja, Lara-Sophie Milagro, Kamran Sorusch, Antonio Tagliarini, Lucie Zelger Documentation/Trailer Expander Film (Stefan Korsinsky , Lilli Kuschel)

Thanks to Barcelona Cicle de l’Aigua , Milagro Alvarez, Ignasi Batalle Barber, Aljoscha Begrich, Andreas Fischbach, Jannis Grimm (Institute for the Study of Protest and Social Movements), Ant Hampton, Lilli Kuschel, Jan Meuel , Barbara Morgenstern, Ricardo Sarmiento, Hilla Steiner, Enric Tello, Valentin Wetzel, SA, Gustavo Ramon Wilhelmi

A production by Rimini Apparat in co-production with creart/Teatrelli, BorderLight – International Theatre + Fringe Festival Cleveland, European Forum Alpbach, Fondazione Armonie d’Arte, HAU – Hebbel am Ufer, Hellerau – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste, Internationales Sommerfestival Kampnagel, ZONA K, Festival PERSPECTIVESSupported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Commissioner of the Federal Government for Culture and Media and the Department for Culture and Europe of the German Senate



Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi and Daniel Wetzel founded the theatre-label Rimini Protokoll in 2000 and have since worked in different constellations under this name.  Rimini Protokoll often develop their stage-works, interventions, performative installations and audio plays together with experts who have gained their knowledge and skills beyond the theatre. Furthermore, they like to transpose rooms or social structures into theatrical formats. Many of their works feature interactivity and a playful use of technology.

On top of that, Rimini Protokoll received the Mülheimer Dramatikerpreis for “Karl Marx: Das Kapital, Erster Band”, the German theatre award Faust, the Grand Prix Theatre from the Swiss Federal Office for Culture, the European Theatre Award, the Silver Lion at the Theatre Biennale in Venice, as well as the German Audio Play Award and the War Blinded Audio Play Prize.

Since 2003, the production office of Rimini Protokoll is in Berlin.


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