October - December 2020
In the presentation of the Reality 2020 season we told our vision of reality that did not want to translate into a philosophical disquisition or a flattening on the spectacularization of contemporary media. It was a title that wanted to close a three-year period where ample space was given to artists who have done their research and art from the Theater of Reality. A three-year period that started with Power and continued with Economy in which we felt the need to analyze and interpret the present, always keeping an eye on the so-called reality data as a rudder that keeps the course despite the brazen and unrepentant political propaganda that does not fear neither the self-contradiction nor the explicit lie.
Of that season – which should have been structured in the Global, Human and Virtual focuses – we just had time to present the special event that went beyond the focus but which for us had the symbolic flavor of a first show that ZONA K brought into Casa degli Artisti.
Then everything, as for everyone, stopped. The companies were first warned, then put on stand by, and finally the shows were canceled. Suddenly our strength, our distinctive trait, our identity and consistency in design choices and consolidated international relationships have become our boomerang. How to keep up a season that would have included numerous European artists? How to reopen a space where the distancing measures force to have no more than 20 spectators? How to look beyond the obstacle to imagine and build a new reality?
The word “new” was enough to re-tune us and to start again from where we left off. If it is a new reality that we have to live, then our season can be called REALITY ?. The question mark not only closes a questioning sentence, but also summarizes the amazement, perplexity and ultimately the hope that this is not really a new world to be invented, but a phase, a parenthesis not to be archived and from which to start again.
We therefore start from the desire to find a new meaning to reality, new perspectives, new ways of enjoying culture thanks to a continuous comparison with some of the artists who have accompanied us most in recent years. Thus the new autumn season that has emerged continues the path started where possible and leaves much more space for those distinctive features that have characterized our work in past years: complex projects, urban performances, shows for a few spectators at a time, collaboration with theaters larger to accommodate artists who need the stage. The most important novelty is the desire to give more space and time to the shows in the season with, on our part, an important productive effort: many of the shows we offer are real productions and co-productions. It is a choice that was already in the making and that found a boost in the pandemic: to continue working on an annual season, but with even more our projects that are able to sustain a long life and that do not run out in the space of a few reruns.
15 – 24 September 2020
Gianmarco Maraviglia
curated by Chiara Oggioni Tiepolo
[photographic exhibition]
14 October – 14 November 2020
FASE NOVE || Assolo Urbano
Ekin Bozkurt, Chiara Campara, Giulia Oglialoro, Riccardo Tabilio and Francesco Venturi (IT)
with Rimini Protokoll (DE)
a ZONA K and Casa degli Artisti production
[urban walk]
23 – 25 October 2020
Michele Losi / Pleiadi Art Prod. (IT)
[urban walk]
5 – 15 November 2020
a ZONA K production, by CODICEFIONDA (IT)
dramaturgical advice Agrupación Señor Serrano (ES)
[multimedia performance]
18 – 28 November 2020
ENA – Nomen Nescio
Roger Bernat (ES) with the collaboration of Mar Canet e Varvara Guljajeva
[online collective writing]
23 – 28 November 2020
REALITY? 4 dialogues on theatre and the contemporary
Sara Chiappori and Renata Viola
Agrupacion Señor Serrano (ES)
a ZONA K co – production, in collaboration with Tieffe Teatro Menotti Milano
photo: terraproject
edit & graphics: NEO studio