Michele Losi / Pleiadi (IT)


23 - 25 October 2020
various times

R 500 – Safari in the urban labyrinth. #Studio II is an urban walk that leads the public to explore nature, sometimes hidden from our eyes, and its complex relationship with urban architecture and inhabitants, within a narrow radius of 500 meters between ZONA K and Biblioteca degli Alberi.

This second stage of the research work, which began in October 2019, arises from two artistic residences of the Pleiadi collective in ZONA K and from the European format “Radius” of the Dutch artist Sjoerd Wagenaar: a method of artistic and scientific investigation of a narrow range of territory.
The Radius format invites people to look at the surrounding landscape with a new look, based on knowledge of the environment. The artists collect stories from the residents, consult scientists, architects, biologists, ‘digging’ and mapping the radius of the territory, returning the outcome of the investigation to the public through an urban walk.
Also this year there will be the contribution of the collective of architects Studio Pasta Madre.

Friday 23 and Saturday 24 October 17.00 – 17.45 – 18.30
Sunday 25 October 16.00 – 16.45 – 17.30

Info: Urban walk for 10 people • in Italian

The walk takes about 100 minutes and will be covered on foot.
The place of arrival is close to the place of departure.
It is recommended to wear comfortable and waterproof shoes in case of light rain; in case of heavy rain the event will be canceled.


A project by Pleiadi, Campsirago Residenza, in collaboration with ZONA K (IT), The International Academy for Natural Arts (NL), BAM – Biblioteca degli Alberi Milano (IT), Artistic and scientific team Michele Losi, Sjoerd Wagenaar, Liliana Benini, Sofia Bolognini, Marialice Tagliavini, Luca Maria Baldini, Emilio Padoa Schioppa, Studio Pasta Madre collective. Citizens of the neighborhood who will participate in the survey.

** Performative action included in “InterettAzioni” – Artistic Residence Center of Lombardy: a project by Circuito CLAPS Industria Scenica, ZONA K, Milano Musica, Teatro delle Moire, with the contribution of the Lombardy Region, MiBACT and Fondazione Cariplo. **


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