FOCUS – theatre, media and new technologies

ZONA K dedicates a FOCUS to Theatre, Media and New Technologies.

It will host the works of two companies in world premiere: Dehor/Audelà with Strategia K (6-7 March) and
Tommaso Arosio/Fedra Boscaro with Appunti #9 e #11 per un novissimo Bestiario (14-15 March).

Moreover, the Tuscan company Cascina Barà will bring the show Tessuto# (8-9 March) and the Milanese artist
Silvia Girardi will present, with the performer Giuliano Guatta, the first study of her new work, entitled
Humanity – Book I (14-15 March).

Here is a brief explanation of the performances.


Thursday 6 March and Friday 7 March – 9.00 p.m. performance
Dehors / Audelà
STRATEGIA K – comportamenti che tendono a instaurare condizioni di equilibrio – un tutorial per le cure parentali sulla capacità di adattamento e sopravvivenza

Strategy K reworks the history of hysteria – a pathology once thought to be linked to problems of procreation – by linking it to the
to the “real” problem of presumed infertility of the performer on stage, creating a new physical score and drawing on the Iconographie photographique de la Salpêtrière, a visionary and obsessive reservoir of spectacular pain, a phenomenon that has reached dizzying heights today.
(duration 50 minutes) (absolute premiere)


Sunday 9 March – 4 p.m. theatre
Collettivo Cascina Barà

Images and visions of a girl looking for her mother in a foreign country, compose a performance based on the interaction between acting, live drawing and live music.
A balance that crosses theatrical action, improvisation and visual performance.
A kind of social theatre that investigates two orders of contemporary conflicts: the exclusion of the foreigner and the intergenerational relationship.
(duration 50 minutes)


Friday 14 and Saturday 15 March – 9 p.m. performance and visual arts
Tommaso Arosio/ Fedra Boscaro
appunto # 11 live performance
appunto #06 e #08 installazione
Novissimi Materiali, esposizione stampe serigrafiche, flip Book, Libro componibile

Novissimo Bestiario is an articulated research project that intends to census the “imaginary beings” of contemporary life.
The series of performances of the Appunti is intended as a preparatory investigation for the Bestiary, focusing on the relationship between “imaginary being – human being”. The odd notes make use of video body mapping and participatory creation.
(duration 15 minutes) (Premiere) (First study)



Friday 14 and Saturday 15 March – 9.30 p.m.
performance –
Silvia Girardi

Who’s on stage > two Turritopsis Dohrnii or immortal jellyfish able to transform their cells from a mature state back to immaturity, in other words they never die. They have always had the same beckettsian speeches, until a strange black wave brings them very close to an unexpected and improbable end.
(duration 40 minutes) (First study)