Mauro Pescio (IT)

In a focus where the shows tell about financial/mathematical mechanisms, related to money, we thought of a show that touches more the human aspect and tells about lived lives. And it is in this perspective that we host My cousin (Limited edition) by Mauro Pescio who, in his own way, has conducted a sort of sociological survey that tells about our daily lives.

In this show Mauro Pescio will introduce us to real life stories of people he met. He chose narratives that were capable of challenging our expectations of the world. A boy who experienced video poker addiction, a former porn star, a high school girl who survived the 2018 Valentine’s Day massacre on a Florida campus, a son of a policeman killed by the Br, a couple in crisis for futile reasons. In other words, he sought out true stories that seemed fictional.

He put no limits on the topics: the stories can be about big events or small things, tragic or comic situations, in short, any life experience that can give us an original and meaningful point of view of reality. Letting himself be guided by the conviction that the more we try to understand the world, the more elusive and deceptive the world becomes, and that only in the experiences of human beings we can go looking for some kind of answer capable of containing a kernel of truth.



Show  – in Italian

By Mauro Pescio With Mauro Pescio, Giulia Valli and Stefano Malatesta and with the friendly participation of some friends, colleagues and various humanity in the process of definition


Mauro Pescio, radio and theater author, lives in Rome. After graduating from the Civica Scuola di Teatro Paolo Grassi in Milan, he moved to Rome where he founded a theater company with which he worked for ten years. Since 2012 he is the author of “Voi siete qui” for Radio24 and since 2015 of “Pascal” for Radio2. Since 2017 he has been collaborating with Radio3 for the audio-documentary show “Tre soldi”. For Audible he wrote “La piena”, Amazon’s first Italian production of a theatrical podcast.


La diretta di ISOLA KULT

Una redazione radiofonica che fa la radiocronaca in diretta del Festival, tra giochi per bambini, mostre, laboratori e performance!

Entra a far parte della redazione e commenta in diretta quello che succede in Isola!

A cura di Nicola Mogno, ShareRadio

Partecipazione 10,00€, prenotazioni


Radio per bambin* dai 6 ai 14 anni



Dal 15 al 19 giugno ZONA K si trasforma in uno studio di registrazione radio.

Con due giornaliste di alimentazione e con un conduttore radio web realizzeremo e manderemo in onda una trasmissione dove protagonista è la Milano capitale del cibo sostenibile.

Le giornate sono scandite da riunioni di redazione, pranzo e merenda al sacco, trasferte ai padiglioni di Expo e al mercato di Eataly Smeraldo.

Good Morning Expo! è un’esperienza formativa e di svago per giovani giornalisti che insieme conducono interviste e montano spot sui temi centrali di Expo Milano 2015.

Età: 6 – 14 anni.

Prezzo: € 170,00 (inclusi il biglietto di ingresso al sito di Expo e i costi di trasferimento in metropolitana).
A carico di ciascun partecipante il pranzo al sacco per tutti i cinque giorni.
Sconti: 10% di riduzione per genitori single e 20% per i fratelli (gli sconti non sono cumulabili).

Orario: 8.30 – 16.30.
Mercoledì 17 giugno (visita a Expo): 8.30 – 17.30

Luogo: ZONA K via Spalato 11

Iscrizioni entro il 4 giugno: scrivi a o chiama lo 02.97378443


Chi organizza: Associazione culturale ZONA K e BonnePresse
In redazione: Marianna Corte e Gaia Grassi di BonnePresse ( e Nicola Magno di



Il campus RADIO EXPO è un evento di  Expo-in-cittÖ_logo_secondario

Matteo Caccia, Danilo De Biasio, Filippo Solibello

Chat with: Matteo Caccia, Danilo De Biasio, Filippo Solibello  

Authors, presenters, listeners, at the time of radio 2.0. How has radio changed in the last 10 years?

Have social networks and technology changed the way we listen to and participate in broadcasts?

Four chats with well-known voices from the airwaves to discover today’s audience, including anecdotes, intrusions and reflections on the future of radio.

Rosario Tedesco e Matteo Caccia

Following in the footsteps of Goethe’s “The Italian Journey”, a new journey into the vices and virtues, the commonplaces and surprises, the geography and the people you don’t expect to meet.

“What comes to mind when I say Goethe?

In 1786 Goethe entered the Belpaese: his Journey to Italy lasted two years and changed him forever. Last spring, Rosario Tedesco, a man of theatre and travel, was commissioned by the Goethe-Institut to revisit the great German poet’s journey in a contemporary key. In his journey he met and talked about Italians and Italy today. This was done through a multimedia travel diary in which the words of the blog alternated with tweets, videos, sounds and images.

Rosario Tedesco now recounts his surprising experience on stage, and does so in a game of uprooting our preconceived ideas, even about ourselves.

with Rosario Tedesco, audio and lighting technician Paolo Corleoni

Rosario Tedesco is an actor and theatre director. He trained at Luca Ronconi’s school and since the late 1990s has worked with Antonio Latella. In 2005 he began working in Germany at the Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus, the Schauspiel Köln and the Volksbühne in Berlin. Recently he has taken part in international films acting alongside Anthony Hopkins, Udo Kier, Michael York. Rosario Tedesco is also a walker-narrator. In 2009 he completed the Camino de Santiago and on the way to Finisterre his second walking project took shape: “Il Vento nelle Scarpe”, a 1770 km solitary walk along the Danube, completed between 2011 and 2012 in 92 days, crossing 6 countries.


On the occasion of the Europe Radio Days in Milan, a week dedicated to radio and performing arts to investigate the history of such an important medium for the diffusion of culture, the rediscovery of its resources and new forms of experimentation and communication by young artists and companies.

11 March 2015 h. 18.30
Matteo Caccia, Danilo De Biasio, Filippo Solibello


11 – 13 March h. 21.00
Rosario Tedesco/Matteo Caccia

11 – 17 March 2015 h.10.00/19.00
curated by Sandro Avanzo


12 – 17 March 2015 h.11.00/17.00
with Paul Plamper
[theoretical-practical seminar]


14 March 2015 h. 18.00 – 19.00 – 20.00 – 21.00
15 March h. 16.00 – 17.00 – 18.00 – 19.00
Bluemotion – Angelo Mai


16 March 2015 h. 21.00
Il Babau & i maledetti cretini


17 March 2015 6.30 p.m.
Paul Plamper, Rodolfo Sacchettini Sandro Avanzo