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Contributi pubblici 2022

Verbale 09 gennaio 2023

Valentina Kastlunger
Valentina Picariello
Valeria Casentini


Valentina Kastlunger lives and works as a director, producer and organiser between Milano and Alto Adige, where she was born. She has studied and worked with, amongst others, Gabriele Vacis, Renata Molinari, Gianpiero Solari, Vincenzo Cerami, Claudia Hamm, Paul Plamper, Martin Wuttke, the companies Teatro dell’Argine and Arditodesio. Her directions have been presented at the Teatro Comunale di Bolzano, at the sala Cuminetti di Trento, at the Piccolo Regio di Torni, at the Sala Uno di Roma, at the Teatro Verdi di Milano, in the Scena Prima reviews and Teatri 90 di Milano. In Alto Adige she collaborates as a freelance director with the local RAI TV and founded the centre of production ErehwoN with which she has curated various theatrical directions, videos and training courses. She has been curating the artistic direction of the Festival internazionale di teatro Val Badia aterteater for four years. In 2009 she is co-founder of the cultural association ZONA K, where she manages the homonym space and all its activities.

Valentina Picariello, classical studies. In the degree of modern literature she follows a brief but intense experience with the Centro per gli Studi di Politica Estera e Opinione Pubblica dell’Università Statale di Milano (Centre for the Studies of Foreign Politics and Public Opinion at Milan State University). In 1998 she enters in publishing as an editor for Encarta, Microsoft’s multimedia encyclopedia. After 10 years, and some collaborations with event and communication companies, she accepts the challenge of forever friend Valentina Kastlunger and together they give life to the ZONA K project.

Silvia Orlandi, aka Fiamma (flame) has published with Fiamma Fumana: 1.0 (1999 Mescal) – Home (2003 Mescal/Omnium) and as Fiamma: Contatto (2002 Mescal) touring through Europe, the United States of America and Canada. She has collaborated with DJ Santos and the ex partners CCCP Massimo Zamboni and Gianni Maroccolo, with the Modena City Ramblers and Banda Osiris. Abandoned the pseudonym she continued the collaborations with D. Rad, Mauro Pagani, Ismael band, L’Arcano Patavino. Part of the theatrical collective “VETROSI”, she brings the theatre show “La donna che guarda le stelle” (The woman that looks at the stars) around dedicated to Federico Aldrovandi’s story.

The photos of the ZonaK space are by
Andrea Martiradonna,

Fabiano Cocozza

ZONA K Association

ZONA K was born in Milan in 2011 as a cultural space dedicated to the exchange between different artistic and cultural disciplines. It hosts events and actions of theater, cinema, dance, music, visual art, with particular attention to contemporary expressions and reflections on the present. Since 2012, it has offered theater reviews for adults and children.
In 2014, in opposite trend to traditional and OFF theaters, it sets its work on thematic FOCUS and opens its gaze to the world, hosting some of European performative avant-garde artists committed to a theater that looks to the present, which involves in different forms and measures the audience, who uses technological devices for new forms of artistic enjoyment, in inhabits unconventional places.

The thematic FOCUS formula allow a visible and recognizable space in town and, on the other hand, permit to continue the activities of the association based on training, residencies for companies and artists, ever closer relations with the neighborhood, artistic and cultural research in an intercultural way, small productions and co-productions with international artists.

Since the first production of “Remote Milano” by Rimini Protokoll in 2014 (replicated in the English version during EXPO 2015), collaborations with foreign artists have followed over the years untill today: Roger Bernat, Agrupacion Senor Serrano , Milo Rau, Yan Duyvendak, Gob Squad, El Conde de Torrefiel, Willi Dorner, Berlin, NO99.

Over the years, ZONA K has activated collaborations and relationships with numerous organizations, from independent structures to the more institutional ones in the artistic, cultural and social fields. Among these: Triennale Teatro dell’Arte, Stanze, Danae Festival, Teatro Franco Parenti, Olinda/Teatro La Cucina, Mare Culturale Urbano, CLAPSpettacolo, Stratagemmi Prospettive Teatrali, Lapsus ass. promozione sociale, Festival dei Diritti, Università Cattolica (Milano), Istituto Nazionale Ferruccio Parri (Milano), Centro Studi Politica Estera e Opinione Pubblica, Università degli Studi di Milano, Università Bocconi, Asnada, cooperativa Diapason, ASSPI, Cooperativa Stripes. The collaborations are concretized in different forms: a common planning, participation in calls for financing in partnership, in reciprocal hospitality, in shared programming.

In 2016 ZONA K won Rete Critica award for Best Organizational Project of the year.

In 2017 is among the candidates selected and financed by the “MigrArti second edition” call for performing arts, with “generazioneGlocale” project, which is staged in the context of Estate Sforzesca.

In 2018 ZONA K won the Hystrio “Altre Muse” award «[…] with stubbornness and consistency, they were able to gain the trust of leading artists on the national and international scene, but also to keep a watchful eye on new groups, establishing important alliances with others city ​​realities. Attention to the performance and to a theater that speaks of contemporary are the salient features of ZONA K identity, one of the few national realities that has made of a rigorous and tenacious planning its strong point. A project that is happily realized, rather than in traditional review, in thematic FOCUS declined within macro themes. »

The activity of ZONA K over the years has been supported by: Comune di Milano, Regione Lombardia, Fondazione Cariplo, C.L.A.P.Spettacolo dal vivo, Mibac. On July 2018 obtained the support of Fondazione Cariplo with the project “Diffusione Partecipata” in partnership with Stanze, Lapsus and Stratagemmi for a widespread and participated theater and aimed above all at a target of under 30 audience. Also on July 2018 it obtained the assignment of a contribution from the Mibac for the three-year period 2018/2020, in the Promotion sector, in partnership with the Mare Culturale Urbano and Perspettive Teatrali; by the Regione Lombardia under the Single Notice, educational and cultural promotion sector, for the project “Teen Time” in collaboration with Goethe Institut, Lapsus and Cooperativa Stripes.

In the triennium 2018-2020 ZONA K is a partner of the Centro di Residenza della Lombardia, selected by Regione Lombardia, thanks to the multidisciplinary project “Intercettazioni”, presented by the aggregation of Circuito CLAPS as the leader, and Teatro delle Moire, Milano Musica and Circolo Industria Scenica as partner.

On February 2019 ZONA K wins the important call for tenders for the concession in use of the building called “Casa degli Artisti” located in Corso Garibaldi 89 / via Tommaso da Cazzaniga in Milano. The management of the marvelous three-storey building of more than 1,300 square meters is assigned to the ATS which sees ZONA K as the leader and internal reference point for theatrical art. CASA DEGLI ARTISTI will open in the autumn of 2019, 110 years after its foundation, as an interdisciplinary and international residence center, aimed to promoting and developing the interaction between arts and cultures. A place that questions the value of art as a common good and researches new forms of relationship with society and the territory through different models of participation and inclusion.

In 2021, it was one of the promoters of the “Rete degli Spazi Ibridi” (Hybrid Spaces Network), which obtained the formalization of a resolution by the Municipality of Milan to recognize and create a structured network.
The structure of ZONA K is made up exclusively by women in managerial, organizational and management roles.


Valentina Kastlunger graduated in dramaturgy at the Scuola Paolo Grassi and in political science at the University of Bologna. She founded and managed the South Tyrolean production centre ErehwoN, for which she directed several shows and directed the Aterteater festival. In Alto Adige she worked as a director for the local RAI RadioTelevisione. She has translated several texts from German into Italian, including “La mia scuola del teatro” by Ekkehard Schall for Ubu Libri. In 2011 she founded ZONA K.

Valentina Picariello has a university degree in Modern Literature. After university she collaborated with the Centre for the Study of Foreign Policy and Public Opinion at the State University of Milan. In 1998, she joined the publishing industry as editor of Encarta, Microsoft’s multimedia encyclopedia. Subsequently, she collaborated with various event organization and communication companies. In 2011 she founded ZONA K.