Guinea Pigs (IT)


show | duration 80 min

c/o ZONA K, admission allowed with membership 2024

A theatrical fiction on citizenship rights that tells the story of the transition from adolescence to adulthood of a second-generation girl grappling with the construction of her identity, conflict with her family and her relationship with her origins, and the obstacles caused by missed citizenship rights in school life and in the world of sport. The story focuses on a pivotal moment in the protagonist’s life: her turning 18, and sees her coming to terms with the desires, expectations and renunciations that this ‘milestone’ brings to her existence. The show talks about school, the relationship between generations, education, privileges acquired by birth and rights denied by law. The adolescent characters are played by girls and boys met along the production route, while adult actors and actresses represent the family and the educating community. The show marks the culmination of three years of work by the Guinea Pigs Performing Arts Laboratory with groups of teenagers in Milan and Lombardy. Every aspect of the creative process is conceived, written in collaboration, and in dialogue with the working group: a collective and transgenerational creation process where each participant finds a space for storytelling, action, and representation. L’Italia è relativa also wants to be an opportunity to reflect on the unconscious privilege that concerns a large part of the population that is already Italian and to publicly question ourselves on what is the society we are imagining or are consciously deciding not to imagine.

a performance by Giulia Tollis and Riccardo Mallus with Letizia Bravi, Marco De Francesca, Ivna Lamart and Ilenia Mia Carrozzo, Giovanni Di Ponziano Tiffany Guaygua dramaturgy Giulia Tollis with contributions by Annasimon Hanna Edward Botros and the actresses and actors directed Riccardo Mallus and Mohamed Boughanmi Rengifo video Julian Soardi sound design Flavia Ripa set design and costumes Stefano Zullo technical direction Marco Ottolini with the precious collaboration of Federica Incrocci with the consultancy Nicola Datena of the Association Le Carbet of Milan and Na. Co. – Narrazioni Contaminate of Turin
We would like to thank AGS Pallavolo Milano and the Istituto Comprensivo ‘Gino Capponi’ of Milan and all the people we met in the high schools and in the creation workshops who contributed to the realisation of this show We would like to thank Irene Timpanaro for her red Citroën C3
A Laboratorio d’Arte Performativa Guinea Pigs production, with the support of MiC and SIAE in the framework of the programme ‘Per Chi Crea’ with the support of Intercettazioni – Centro di Residenza Artistica della Lombardia, a project of Circuito CLAPS and Industria Scenica, Laagam, Teatro delle Moire, ZONA K with the support of ZONA K, Industria Scenica, Ilinxarium multidisciplinary artistic residency, Casa degli Artisti di Milano, Compagnia Carnevale, Centro Culturale Barrio’s

Photo: M. Giussani

Photo by the artist

Laboratorio d’Arte Performativa Guinea Pigs creates performances, installations, events, and cultural experiences that investigate social issues in theatrical spaces and urban contexts and are the result of meetings and collaborations with third parties operating in the social field and other artistic disciplines. In 2022 the company, together with the publishing house Marcos Y Marcos and the Arci Post club in Parma, planned and realised a cycle of digital and live events to promote the fruition and diffusion of poetry as part of the project Atlante Sonoro della Poesia Mondiale (Sound Atlas of World Poetry) financed by the Fondazione Cariparma.

Massimo Furlan / Claire De Ribaupierre (CH)

show  | duration 60 min | in italian

c/o Parco delle Cave
Cava Aurora – Associazione Unione Pescatori Aurora
(in case of rain, the show will be staged in ZONA K)

An ancestral bond with the wild world, based on knowledge, patience, and listening with all the senses. Men and animals. Hunters and prey, fishermen and fish, forest rangers and philosophers. What connects them? Forests, rivers, mountains, and lakes where some live, and others search for a world that has almost disappeared. What do their stories, their anecdotes, and their experiences tell us?

On stage, fishermen and hunters—examples of the paradoxes of our time—are intimate connoisseurs of animals in their habitats and bearers of questions about human intervention in natural ecosystems. Their actions and practices combine tradition with contemporary issues, necessary needs (population regulation, human sustenance, etc.), and Sunday pastimes.

“Con l’Animale” is the second chapter of the “Trilogy of Contaminations,” a project in which Massimo Furlan and Claire De Ribaupierre explore the relationships we have with nature and its inhabitants to understand how an environment is structured: who are the main players, how they interact, and how they constantly evolve together. It aims to understand what unites us, what we all have in common. How do we build balances or create imbalances, form alliances or break them, and how do we coexist?

Today, more and more, we are neglecting the ancestral knowledge based on the balance between what we take from nature and the time we give it to regenerate. To no longer know the environment is to neglect it; to exploit it excessively is to destroy it. Without understanding the intelligence of what surrounds us, we are destroying ourselves.

a project by Massimo Furlan and Claire De Ribaupierre direction Massimo Furlan dramaturgy Claire De Ribaupierre with Tommaso Banfi, Vanni Bruscaglioni, Fabio Fiochi, Paolo Nicolini, Pablo Vallin technical and video direction Jérôme Vernez lighting Etienne Gaches sound Aurélien Chouzenoux administration and production Noémie Doutreleau distribution Jérôme Pique production Numero23Prod. co-production Théâtre Vidy – Lausanne (CH), Les 2 scènes – Besançon local co-production ZONA K with the support of Ville de Lausanne, État de Vaud, Pro Helvetia – Fondation Suisse pour la Culture, Loterie Romande (en cours), programme européen de coopération transfrontalière Interreg France-Suisse dans le cadre du projet CDuLaB.

Foto di Pierre Nydegger

After training at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Lausanne, Swiss set designer and visual artist Massimo Furlan worked with various dance and theatre companies. In 2003, he founded his own company dedicated to the performing arts, Numéro23Prod, to interrogate the act of representation outside the confines of genres. His multiple performances, essentially articulated around humour and contrast, question popular manifestations, the notion of the team and the themes of image, duration, childhood, memory and play. In 1988 Furlan received an award from the Irène Reymond foundation in French-speaking Switzerland and in 2001 a Prix culturel vaudois jeunes créateurs beaux-arts. In 2014, he received the Swiss Cultural Theatre Prize. Her works have been presented in theatres and festivals throughout Europe.

Since 2023 Claire De Ribaupierre has been the dramaturge of Massimo Furlan’s creations. She holds a degree in Literature and conducts research in the fields of anthropology and contemporary images and literature.

BÜRGERBÜHNE – La scena dei cittadini

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.

Performance itinerante in cuffia | durata 120 min | in italiano
adatto a un pubblico a partire dai 10 anni
evento non accessibile a persone con mobilità ridotta

punto di partenza: Via Cesare Cesariano, 8 Milano


Una mappa di parole e suoni, un disegno di luoghi e storie, un percorso audio a misura di cittadino, che attraversa Milano e unisce Parco Sempione a Villapizzone, Lambrate ai Navigli, Paolo Sarpi a Rimembranze di Greco.

Sono luoghi di crescita e di trasformazione, di memoria e proiezioni di futuro quelli che il pubblico è chiamato ad attraversare: alcuni solo evocati, altri realmente toccati dal percorso a piedi che il pubblico è chiamato a seguire.

In ogni luogo la cronaca e la storia di Milano incrociano le storie personali dei cittadini, così in una strada una targa ricorda uno scienziato mentre al civico 2 una ragazza entra nella casa che segna l’inizio della sua storia nella città; una piazza diventa un campo da calcio dove si gioca una partita tra vecchi e nuovi abitanti; una canzone ricorda un concerto annullato all’ultimo minuto e un titolo di giornale rimbalza tra gli anni della contestazione e l’omicidio nell’albergo proprio accanto a quel locale dove tutte le mattine si faceva colazione ai tempi dell’Università.

Lungo la strada, attraversata dal percorso chic e dal percorso radical, incontri inaspettati, soste improvvise e cambiamenti di rotta: un viaggio per Milano, ogni volta diverso, allo stesso tempo collettivo e individuale, dove perdersi tra passato, presente e futuro diventa un modo per scoprire quello che non sapevamo di conoscere.


➤ La camminata ha una durata di circa 2 ore. Si consiglia di indossare scarpe e vestiti adatti alla camminata urbana e di portare con sé una bottiglia/borraccia d’acqua.

➤ Il ritrovo è 15 minuti prima dell’inizio della performance nella piazzetta di via Cesariano 8, lì riceverete le vostre cuffie wireless.
➤ Il luogo di arrivo è una sorpresa, ma sarà una fermata della metro o di un tram, o del passante ferroviario.

➤ NB: durante il percorso si prenderanno i mezzi pubblici, si prega di portare con sé un biglietto cartaceo ATM.  

➤ La performance verrà annullata solo in caso di pioggia consistente; in caso di annullamento preventivo verrete avvisati telefonicamente.

La performance è realizzata in seguito a un laboratorio teatrale cominciato a Living Moneta e proseguito a ZONA K.
“BÜRGERBÜHNE – La scena dei cittadini” – ispirato al progetto dello Staatsschauspiel di Dresda – è uno spazio aperto al confronto per trasformare le riflessioni, le urgenze e le domande dei cittadini in linguaggio artistico e trovare così nuove forme di partecipazione attiva

Un progetto di ZONA K Performer, autori/autrici dei testi Massimo Amati, Eleonora Bedon, Emilia Bella, Francesco Cecinato, Francesca Gerli, Maria Teresa Gimelli, Paolo Grulla, Fabio Lastella, Elena Lerra, Xina Veronese, Sara Pennati, Daniela Petrillo, Irmtraut Tonndorf Drammaturgia e regia Federica Di Rosa Organizzazione e aiuto regia Leda Peccatori Editing audio Davide Stecconi Laboratorio a Living Moneta/Associazione Porta Moneta a cura di Miriam Selima Fieno, Nicola Di Chio Laboratorio a ZONA K a cura di Federica Di Rosa con Leda Peccatori costumi Tantrika Shop musiche originali Bruschetta Brothers Si ringrazia LibrOsteria, Ristorante Pizzeria Mediterraneo, Giardini In transito Lea Garofalo e Federico Antonello

Foto da Unsplash: Andrea Ferrario