Gob Squad (DE/GB)
18 March 2022 h. 10.00 - 17.00
This is a workshop aimed at anyone who wants to present themselves on stage:
performers, actors, dancers and also visual artists or writers
who have an interest to be on stage but have not yet tried
A few years before Gob Squad was founded, almost 30 years ago, one of the performers auditioned for a place at drama school. During an audition they said to her:
“Have you ever actually been in a theatre? Because what you are doing here has nothing to do with acting – you’re just playing yourself!”. She didn’t get the place, and went on to found the company with other like-minded non-actors. In Gob Squad’s work, everyone always plays themselves. Roles are sometimes tried on or tried out briefly, but like a child in an ill-fitting mask, the real person is always visible behind it, with their hopes, desires and insecurities.
In this workshop, two members of the collective will share some methods for putting themselves into their work, blending the personal, political and performative. The session will explore Gob Squad’s approach to text, improvisation and game-play.
The workshop will take place
– at Teatro Out Off (via Mac Mahon 16 – Milan)
– in English language
– if reached the minimum number of participants
Cost € 60,00. Registration deadline 14 March 2022.
To apply fill in the form click HERE
GOB SQUAD is a bisexual, binational and bilingual (English/German) art collective. They have been devising, directing and performing together since 1994, working where theatre meets art, media and real life. Gob Squad have been looking for new ways to combine media and performance, producing theatre, video installations, radio plays, interactive live films and urban interventions.
Founded in Nottingham in 1994, while its members were still at Nottingham Trent and Giessen Universities, Berlin has been the group’s creative home since 1999. The main members are Johanna Freiburg, Sean Patten, Sharon Smith, Berit Stumpf, Sarah Thom, Bastian Trost and Simon Will. Other artists are invited to collaborate on particular projects. The group is managed by Eva Hartmann.
pic. Garrett Davis / Capture Imaging