Emergency food kit for theatre addicted
Razione K was the food ration of American soldiers during World War II.
For us, the RAZIONE K is almost like a small but substantial survival ration, “light and compact”. It is about doing and giving what is necessary to stay alive but dosing resources and energy. It is calibrating our strengths and weights, to be really ready to start again in the light of the changes that every event of this magnitude brings with it.
It is a change of pace with respect to the past, the sign of an intermediate year between a before, very clear and defined, and an after still to be written. On the one hand, it is a transitional year that brings to a close projects that have already begun but have not yet been presented to the public. On the other hand, it presents new ideas, following up on the peculiarities that have distinguished us over the years: audience participation, urban performance, attention to the present and research into new languages in the field of live performance.
There are no more focuses but a part 1 and a part 2. Continuing the metaphor of Razione K: a lunch and a dinner, a first course and a second course, a box 1 and a box 2. A first part that is concentrated from April to July and a second part that starts again in September and includes the autumn/winter until the end of 2021.
The desire to reiterate the importance of sharing projects and ideas with other realities of the artistic and cultural scene in Milan remains firm. Never as in the past year and in the current one has the need for relations, perspective exchanges and comparison on the future been so important.This confirms the collaboration with DANAE/Teatro delle Moire, Olinda/Da vicino nessuno è normale, IntercettAzioni, BASE, Stratagemmi, the Cooperativa Sociale Stripes, Terzo Paesaggio.
On a national level, ZONA K is a partner of In-Situ Italia, a cultural consortium for art in public space created together with Indisciplinarte of Terni in collaboration with BASE Milan, Sardegna Teatro of Cagliari and Pergine Festival in Trentino. “In-Situ Italia” gathers the Italian partners of “In-Situ”, the European platform created in 2003 and which today counts 19 partners from 13 countries. In the four-year period 2020-2024, the Italian consortium will promote the networking of skills and resources, collaborating within the European project “(Un)Common Spaces”.
Moreover, from this year ZONA K is among the new partners who have joined the Call for Digital Residencies conceived and promoted by Centro di Residenza della Toscana (Armunia – CapoTrave/Kilowatt), in partnership with Associazione Marchigiana Attività Teatrali AMAT, the Cooperative Anghiari Dance Hub, ATCL Lazio for Spazio Rossellini, the Centre of Residency Emilia-Romagna (L’Arboreto Teatro Dimora di Mondaino – La Corte Ospitale), the Luzzati Foundation Teatro della Tosse in Genoa.
The show is canceled, according to the regional ordinance of 04/03/20
Nauru is a small island-state in the Pacific Ocean, once known by European explorers as “Pleasant Island”. The history of this island can be seen as a parable of our times. After the exhaustive exploitation of the island’s vast underground phosphate resources, both under Anglo-Australian rule and after its independence in 1968, the island was left in total economic and ecological ruins.
Today Nauru hosts refugee detention centres from which you cannot escape in exchange for big sums of money from Australia. Meanwhile, the island risks to be swallowed by the ocean as a result of the rising sea level.
It is in this post-apocalyptic scenario that the documentarians Silke Huysmans and Hannes Dereere meet the limitations of a world that is intent on endless growth. Drawing on interviews and conversations with the island’s residents and refugees, they seek new perspectives.
What future is there in a place that is exhausted in terms of ecology, economy and humanity? And how do we deal with the gloomy predictions that seem to wait for us?
NATIONAL PREMIERE for the Theatre Season 2020 REALITY
c/o Spazio Fattoria – Fabbrica del Vapore, via Procaccini 4 – M5 Monumentale –
Info: multimedia documentary theatre • duration 60 min. • in English with Italian subtitles
Standard ticket: 15,00 € – Students/under 26/over 65/groups: 10,00€
Part of the subscription shows
By & with: Silke Huysmans & Hannes Dereere Dramaturgical advice: Dries Douibi, sound mixing: Lieven Dousselaere, technical support Anne Meeussen & Piet Depoortere, production: CAMPO, coproduction: Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Spring Festival Utreht, Beursschouwburg, Kunstenwerkplaats Pianofabriek, Veem House For Performance, Spielart & De Brakke Grond residenze Beursschouwburg, De Grote Post, KAAP, Kunstencentrum Buda, Kunstenwerkplaats Pianofabriek, STUK & Veem House for Performance, LOD with the support of the Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie & KAAP. Thanks to all partners who collaborated
The work of the young playwriters Silke Huysmans and Hannes Dereere is based on concrete situations, events or places that represent a broader topic. What characterises the duo is how they carry out their research through scientific examination, interviews and fieldwork. After finishing their studies in Gant in 2013, they started working on documentary theatre. In their critically acclaimed Mining Stories (2016), they explored the impact of a recent mining disaster in southern Brazil. The next projects will be produced by CAMPO, with the support of Pianofabriek, KAAP Bruges, Kunstenfestivaldesarts and Beursschouwburg Brussels.