Guinea Pigs (IT)
The show articulates itself it two autonomous branches with a common theme: the violence of power, hidden and invisible, that society does not recognize. Free violence and social-bullying, a women’s body as a land to be conquered: these are the wars that Guinea Pigs tell in a scenic vision founded on the relationship between acting, sonic composition, drama and movement.
Atti di Guerra (War acts) is the first artistic project of the Milanese group, that has already won prestigious rewards in Italy. Four actors on scene, their bodies, the sound, light and the speaking: there are the elements that make the show Atti di Guerra. Two different tensions. On one side the will to remain participating to the acts of violence that are evoked on stage, without embellishments and without special effects .On the other side the tension of a theatrical language far way form the reality of the representation, that makes it possible to observe these violent acts as if they weren’t true, but from a magnifying glass, that isolates the details. The result of of this research made by the Guinea Pigs is a show in which narration and representation travel on two parallel tracks in constant dialogue. The narration is entrusted to the speech, to the bodies, to the sounds and light: metaphorical and sometimes meta-theatrical. The unspoken objective is the creation of a prism that can bring the eyes of the spectators closer to those shards of free and unjustified violence that can explode wherever.
In Italian
The performance on 23 May will be followed by an informal meeting between the company and the audience.
Concept and direction by Riccardo Mallus. Dramaturgy by Giulia Tollis. By and with: Letizia Bravi, Marco De Francesca, Francesco Martucci, Federico Manfredi. Sound composition by Gianluca Agostini. Stage movement by Betti Rollo. Costumes by Laura Dondi. Lighting by Martino Minzoni. Photos: Diego Monfredini and Lucia Baldini