El Conde De Torrefiel (ES)

A project by ZONA K, Danae Festival and Triennale Teatro dell’Arte

A conference, a Thai-Chi class and an electronic music session: these are the three scenes that make up the play. There is no obvious conflict on stage, the battle has moved inside the mind. And in the depths of these inner spaces, where freedom is confined, there is a war of thoughts that wakes up every morning and falls asleep every night without ever being resolved.

Guerrilla observes the tensions experienced by Europe: incendiary thoughts of a space of comfort. If everything advances in an apparent state of peace in which there is a feeling of security, why do we involuntarily in our heads invoke war?

The play is written by combining fiction and documentary text, based on a series of interviews with a small group of people who share the same present and the same space, in this case the city of Milan.



conception El Conde De Torrefiel direction and dramaturgy Tanya Beyeler and Pablo Gisbert text Pablo Gisbert in collaboration with the volunteers of Milan assistant Nicolas Chevallier lighting design Ana Rovira scenography Blanca Añón sound Adolfo García assistance with choreography Amaranta Velarde music Pink Elephant on Parade, Salacot performers Amaranta Velarde and volunteers from Milan co-production Kunstenfestivaldesarts Brussels, Steirischer Herbst Festival Gratz, Noorderzon Festival Groningen with the support of the European project NXSTP and the support of Graner, Centre de creació Barcelona, ICEC – Generalitat de Catalunya, INAEM, Ministerio de Cultura de España, Institut Ramón Llull


El Conde De Torrefiel is a company founded in Barcelona in 2010 by Tanya Beyeler and Pablo Gisbert.
Their work is articulated through a textual and visual aesthetic where theatre, choreography, literature and plastic arts coexist. The starting point of the project lies in an analysis of the present and an immediate questioning of the possibilities of our time. The company’s latest works have been presented at major European festivals including Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels, Festival d’Automne in Paris, Steirischer Herbst in Graz or Dublin Theater Festival.


With the support of

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