For the 2020 Theatre Season REALITY Valeria Raimondi and Enrico Castellani discuss together the Regeni story in the new show Giulio, dedicated to the student tortured and killed in Cairo in February 2016. A resolute investigation on the border between information and propaganda, between power and crime, between reason of state and inviolable rights, which questions the apparatus of the law, violence and the profound meaning of being free citizens in a free state.
Giulio Regeni is not just a news story.
Giulio Regeni makes us asking ourselves what a State means. What does justice mean. What does power mean. What does the police mean? What does trial mean. What does legality mean. What does prison mean. What public opinion means. What journalism and freedom of information mean.
Giulio Regeni makes us asking ourselves the fundamental questions of social and civil life.
He makes us thinking about the concept of responsibility, of humanity, of strength.
The concepts and issues we are dealing with in our lifes, literature and theatre from Greeks to Shakespeare to us. Giulio Regeni is a starting point to reflect on all this.
c/o ZONA K
To participate you must send a request for the annual membership within the day before the show, click HERE to do it NOW
Info: show • duration 60 min. • in Italian
Standard ticket: 15 € – Students/under 26/over 65/groups 10€
Part of the subscription shows
By Valeria Raimondi and Enrico Castellani, cast to be decided, production: Teatro Metastasio di Prato with Babilonia Teatri
Babilonia Teatri is one of the most innovative companies in the contemporary theatre scene, distinguishing itself for a language by many defined as pop, rock, punk. It has become relevant in the Italian scene for its irreverent and divergent gaze on the world of today. Over the years Babilonia Teatri has won numerous awards. In addition to the main Italian cities, the company’s shows have been hosted numerous times also abroad, from France to Germany, from Austria to Hungary, from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Croatia, from Colombia to Russia. Enrico Castellani and Valeria Raimondi, founders of the company in 2006, are the artistic directors of Babilonia Teatri. Playwrights, authors, directors and actors, Castellani and Raimondi are based in Verona.