
a project by and with Riccardo Fusiello and Agostino Riola
lighting design Matteo Crespi
communication Marianna Musella
graphics, scenic element forEVER Claudia Broggi
assistant to the choreography for Play Serena Marossi
production Sonenalé
co-production E45 Napoli Fringe Festival – Fondazione Campania dei Festival
choreographic residencies Centro Danza Canal (Madrid), Mosaico Danza (Turin), Dance_B (Milan), Studio 28 (Milan)
we would like to thank Teatro Litta (Milan), Scuola D’Arte Drammatica Paolo Grassi (Milan), Teatro della Cooperativa (Milan), PuntoZero Teatro (Milan), Teatro Mimesis (Trani), Teatro Radice Timbrica (Legnano), ZONA K (Milan) and also Daniele D’Angelo, Simone Marossi

YOUR HAPPY SAD SONGS is a project in three snapshots, I WANNA – Play – forEVER, freely inspired by the figure of Federico García Lorca.

“The work feeds on Lorca, sinks its roots into the contrasts that animated him, digs through his words and images in search of the essence that moved his work and his life”.

Your Happy Sad Songs thus becomes a sort of pop opera, moving between everyday situations and dreamlike images, on the difficulty of following one’s instincts, on the will to react when all around seems dark, on the disorientation caused by an absence. At the centre is the body and its movement, which becomes the main instrument of investigation. The bodies of the two performers are observed in the circumstances in which they are protagonists and at the same time, as if analysed, decomposed, X-rayed in search of what moves them and what they conceal.

I WANNA (2010), running time 15 min
selected and promoted by ANTICORPI XL – network young dance d’auteur

PLAY (2012), running time 20 min
winner of ‘Presenta tu proyecto’ by Centro Danza Canal (Madrid) and ‘DE.Mo./ Movin’ Up 2011′ (curated by GAI – Giovani Artisti Italiani and MiBAC – Ministero Beni e Attività Culturali)

forEVER (2013), 20 min
debut Museo Madre, Naples – E45 Napoli Fringe Festival, June 2013

Sonenalé was founded in Milan in 2012 by Riccardo Fusiello, dancer and choreographer, and Agostino Riola, performer and director. Their artistic research focuses on the investigation of the body, in all its expressions. The collaboration between the two began in 2008 on the occasion of the show Il Signor P, produced by the Castel Dei Mondi International Festival in Andria. In 2010 they created Your Happy Sad Songs. They have collaborated with Italian and European companies (Spain, Denmark). ”


Your happy sad song trailer