Meetings by Sara Chiappori & Renata Viola
The relationship with reality presses the performing arts, interrogates them and inhabits them, both object and habitat of an investigation that mixes grammar and semantics of the languages of the scene, re-discussing the concept of author and interpreter, reformulating the criteria of fruition and appropriation of space, definitively clearing the new technologies, opening explicit connections with sociology, urban planning, statistics, political discourse, economics.
ZONA K has given account of all this in the last few seasons, pointing out the critical points of reflection, ethics before aesthetics, around and within the contemporary. Hence, the need to open a theoretical window to try a further investigation that leaves room for doubts rather than certainties.
Designed for a diverse audience, spectators, operators, university students, curious and restless citizens, REALITY? has the ambition to make the languages of the scene react like in a chemical experiment with the alphabets of other disciplines, comparing artists who have worked with ZONA K and theorists who have deepened the same themes, but from the point of view of their skills.
The meetings will be published simultaneously on e
- Monday 23 November, 6.00 p.m.
meeting with JENS HILLJE (artistic co-director and chief dramturg at the Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin, Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement Biennale Teatro 2019)
Then, four keywords for four dialogues
- Tuesday 24th November, 6.00 p.m.
LANDSCAPE: dialogue between VITTORIO LINGIARDI and DOM- (IT): because it feeds new dramaturgies of the space that cross the places, putting in crisis the very notion of look. Because our relationship with the landscape involves the whole body and is always a question of relationships, with others, with the world, with rules, with time, with borders.
- Wednesday 25th November, 6.00 p.m.
CRISIS dialogue between SALVATORE NATOLI and AGRUPACION SEÑOR SERRANO (ES): because “the crisis” in which we live has become a permanent and structural condition. Today, more than ever, we live in a state of emergency that forces us to reformulate new future scenarios. We are called to radically rethink everything we gave for certain and for acquired. Can all this really be considered an opportunity like the media storytelling suggests or are we on the threshold of a sort of “human revolution”?
- Thursday 26 November, 6.00 p.m.
POLITICS dialogue between JUSEPPE GENNA and VALTERS SĪLIS (LV): because we have all decreed its death, or at least embarrassment and impoverishment, but we cannot do without it. So let’s go and find it where it manifests itself in its worst forms, the fascist sovereignist populist drifts, the last temptation of a West orphaned of an alternative thought to 20th century ideologies.
- Friday 27 November, 6.00 p.m.
GAME/PARTICIPATION dialogue between STEFANO BARTEZZAGHI and ROGER BERNAT (ES): because the playful approach can be the key, but also the trap. If contemporary performance has accustomed us to enjoy the theatrical fact as a game, are we willing to give up in terms of attention, concentration, intellectual effort? The game, however, is not only a deresponsible escape, it can also be a very serious business.
ZONA K organizza periodicamente seminari di formazione specifica per operatori artistici con l’obiettivo di condividere il proprio metodo e di conoscere e formare nuovi collaboratori.
Nelle scuole ZONA K organizza corsi e laboratori di formazione per docenti.
FORTE Formazione Teatro Educazione
La proposta è rivolta ad attori ed operatori teatrali già formati e intende stimolare un ripensamento delle competenze teatrali acquisite, favorendo la loro strutturazione in un’ottica rigorosa, affinché il loro uso in ambito formativo sia consapevole, intenzionale, pianificato e fondato su un apparato teorico pedagogico.
Il corso è articolato in moduli interconnessi: teatro a scuola, drammaturgia a scuola, elementi di psicologia dell’età evolutiva, tirocinio. Il lavoro prevede l’alternarsi di teoria e pratica e lo sviluppo da parte di ogni partecipante di ipotesi di progetto.
Laboratori intensivi di formazione con i docenti delle scuole che intendono approfondire metodologie artistiche per sviluppare contenuti, anche legati al programma scolastico.
I laboratori intendono inoltre fornire strumenti per partecipare attivamente ai percorsi proposti da ZONA K alle classi e per proseguire il lavoro in autonomia.
Per saperne di più:
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