OPEN is a project supporting contemporary artistic creation for public space.

Since 2012 OPEN has supported over 40 national and international artists, who have contributed to the rethinking of urban space and the public sphere through artistic projects and interventions. The projects have managed to reinvent/imagine/explore the space, temporarily transforming the places and the relational trajectories that run through it. For OPEN, public space is conceived not only as a place, but as a form of time and research area, as a horizon or landscape where the spectator can reconnect with the urban, historical and relational fabric of the place.

OPEN promotes the networking of skills and economic support to sustain contemporary creation in the field of performing arts, architecture and new technologies for public space.

OPEN is led by Pergine Festival (Trentino) and brings together 5 partners located throughout Italy: Il Giardino delle Esperidi Festival (Lombardia), In\Visible Cities/digital contaminations (Friuli Venezia Giulia), Indisciplinarte (Umbria), Periferico (Emilia Romagna) and Zona K (Lombardia).