Mammalian Diving Reflex
Darren O’Donnell (CA)
What happens when the power shifts to the teenagers?
The Mammalian Diving Reflex , Canadian group, will be presented at FOCUS PEOPLE in ZONA K, with three performative actions, enclosed in the TEENTALITARIANISM event, neologism that sums of the content well. For years, the Mammalian, go around the world with performances and workshops that involve teenagers first hand. Each one of their performances foresees a path with the teenagers of the places in which they are hosted.
The first show, NIGHTWALKS WITH TEENAGERS, 9th to 12th May, organized in collaboration with Triennale Teatro dell’Arte, is a night performance/walk where a group of teenagers brings the spectators around the city, through their own habits, their favorite places, and where they meet their friends. The project then unites the roads of adults and teenagers that otherwise would not have been able to meet. It tries to make adults socialize with the more younger people, to share their world in an unusual way, by offering them to let go in moments of pure contemplation.
The second show, SEX, DRUGS AND CRIMINALITY, 18th May, organized only by ZONA K , is a performances in which teenagers pose questions to famous public figures of the city (politicians, intellectuals, artists) on their juvenile mischief and wrongdoings. Again, the Canadian group, tries to break down the generational gap in a direct and non-conventional way.
The last show is ASK FOR THE MOONS, 19th May, in which the teenagers that have collaborated to the project can present publicly how they would like to go on with the work they have started.
During the presence of Mammalian in Milan, ZONA K organizes a training seminar with Darren O’Donnell.
Ideazione e regia: Darren O’Donnell Co-regia: Tina Fance, Kiera O’Brien, Virginia Antonipillai, Sanjay Ratnan Produzione esecutiva: Eva Verity, Tina Fance. Produzione: ZONA K.
Questa presentazione di Teentalitarianism è resa possibile in parte grazie al supporto del Canada Council for the Arts e dell’Ontario Arts Council.