MIMU’ – Musica per bambini

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LEZIONE CONCERTO per 0-6 anni secondo la MLT di Gordon

MIMU’ canta e accompagna i bambini ad ascoltare la sua musica.
Un concerto tratto dall’omonimo disco e curato da Federica Braga, Claudia Veronese e Aldo Bicelli, musicisti-educatori che con passione da quindici anni portano la musica ai bambini, in famiglia e nelle scuole, fedeli alla Music Learning Theory di Edwin Gordon. Grandi e piccini liberi di muoversi, stare seduti o sdraiati, contenuti dal suono dei musicisti posti intorno. Una intensa e giocosa esperienza di ascolto dedicata a chi avrà voglia di prendersi per mano e vivere la musica insieme.


Biglietto:  l’acquisto deve essere effettuato per ogni adulto e per ogni bambin* che accede al concerto
– € 8,00 il singolo concerto
Pre acquisto obbligatorio

I giorni di concerto la biglietteria è chiusa, non emetterà biglietti e non sarà possibile tesserarsi.



info su biglietti@zonak.it —– 393.8767162

Il concerto dura 45 min.
E’ consentito l’ingresso in sala solo entro i primi 10 minuti di concerto.

Ensemble Musicale:
– Federica Braga, voce e pianoforte
– Claudia Veronese, voce
– Aldo Bicelli, voce, percussioni e ukulele – Stefano Zeni, voce e violino
– Davide Bonetti, voce e fisarmonica

ZONAK Via Spalato 11 – Milano (Quartiere Isola) tel 393 8767162
Biglietteria on line www.zonak.it biglietti@zonak.it

Babilonia Teatri (IT)

A point of excellence in the Italian scene of theatrical research, Babilonia Teatri arrive in Milan with a new creation, a sort of concert through which they manage to pass dense content and full of rebellion. The repeated word that tells the disenchantment for an (im)perfect world, unmistakable feature of the company, is shaped mainly in songs, specially written on the notes of Lorenzo Scuda (Oblivion), building a show where music and theater contaminate and dialogue in an uninterrupted and whirling.

Calcinculo is a show where words take the shape of music. Where music takes the shape of words. We live in an obsessive time that words and images are no longer able to tell by themselves, music comes to the rescue like a medicine or an explosive fuse.

Calcinculo is a show that wants to photograph our today. His perversions and his escapes from himself. His inability to imagine a future, to dream it, to strive towards an ideal, to believe. With this show the Babilonia tell the world around us with their sharp, painful and ironic look.


Show –  in Italian


By and with: Enrico Castellani and Valeria Raimondi Music: Lorenzo Scuda Stage direction: Luca Scotton Sound engineer: Luca Scapellato Production: Babilonia Teatri, La Piccionaia centro di produzione teatrale Co-production: Operaestate Festival Veneto Scenes Babilonia Teatri Production 2018. Thanks to Ana Valli Grandi Choir and Cuore Husky rescue


Babilonia Teatri is one of the most innovative companies in the contemporary theater scene, distinguishing itself for a language that is variously defined as pop, rock, punk. It has imposed itself on the Italian scene for its irreverent and divergent look at today’s world. Babilonia Teatri has won numerous awards over the years In addition to the main Italian cities, the company’s shows have been hosted numerous times abroad, from France to Germany, from Austria to Hungary, from Bosnia-Herzegovina to Croatia, from Colombia to Russia. Enrico Castellani and Valeria Raimondi, founders of the company in 2006, are the Artistic Directors of Babilonia Teatri. Playwrights, authors, directors and actors, Castellani and Raimondi are based in Verona. Lorenzo Scuda from 1999 to 2003 studies Musical at the BSMT of Bologna and from there he participates first as musician/orchestral and then as actor and singer in several productions, the most important is Jesus Christ Superstar with the Compagnia della Rancia in the role of Pilate. In 2002 he founded Oblivion. He is author and co-author of the lyrics, arranger and composer of all their productions. They debuted in November 2018 with their first original musical: La Bibbia riveduta e scorretta, directed by Giorgio Gallione. Since 2009 he has been working mainly for Oblivion, also dedicating himself to the activity of teacher for musical courses and seminars for theatrical improvisers throughout Italy.

Dario Buccino – Ensemble HN

But true is an initiatory journey into sound, the body and the here and now. The performance is based on the HN® System, a musical system invented by Dario Buccino to capture the forces that animate the musical experience. HN stands for hic et nunc.

The four musicians use the voice, a clarinet and four Lamiera HN®, musical instruments inspired by the so-called slab of thunder, the machine for sound effects used in the theatre since the eighteenth century. The Lamiera HN is not a thunder slab but a real musical instrument, played using a performance technique that involves the performer’s entire body and is capable of producing sounds that are at times very delicate and enveloping, at other times so powerful that the audience can feel the movement of air caused by the vibrations of the steel sheet.

The vocal techniques used in the performance took years to be devised and perfected by the composer and performers, and contribute to creating an unprecedented world of sound without the need for any amplification or electronic processing.

The composition is structured according to formal and energetic principles derived from the techniques of Nō theatre, the ancient Japanese art form based on deeply stylised body movements and essential, intense singing.

Ma vero’s audience, seated or lying on mats, is surrounded by the four HN sheets and immersed in almost complete darkness. The experience of silence and sound comes to involve the listener’s entire body as well, guiding his or her mind beyond the ordinary states of consciousness.

The performance was performed regularly for ten consecutive years, until 2006, becoming a cult appointment for the audience, often forced to wait years before seeing their turn on the long waiting list.

“Playing Ma vero is an experience that changes everything. I was part of its creation, sewn by Buccino on us elective performers. It was Ma vero that taught me to do my own thing. I’ll be back to play it, it’s time.” Enrico “Der Maurer” Gabrielli (Vinicio Capossela, Afterhours, PJ Harvey)


Ensemble HN. Dario Buccino: Lamiera HN, voice; Marco Crescimanno: Lamiera HN, voice; Renato Gatto Lamiera HN, voice; Emiliano Turazzi: Lamiera HN, clarinet



Ore 10.00 ( 0 – 36 mesi )
Ore 11.30 ( 3 – 6 anni )



tel. 3426451379 dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 14.00

e-mail: biglietti@zonak.it


Costo: 1 bambino + 1 genitore euro 15,00


Ispirandosi alla Teoria dell’Apprendimento Musicale di E.E.Gordon gli insegnanti Audiation Institute assieme al brasiliano Quarteto Gordon proporranno attraverso voci e strumenti brani tratti dal cd PAM PAM: musica senza parole ricca di varietà ritmica e melodica, brani più o meno familiari che bambini e adulti potranno ascoltare interagendo liberamente con i musicisti, muovendosi e usando la voce in un’atmosfera di rilassamento e divertita partecipazione.


I concerti saranno a cura dell’ENSEMBLE AUDIATION INSTITUTE

in collaborazione con il Quarteto Gordon


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