
A work in progress that collects in a series of animated postcards, portraits inspired by the characters we see every day in our neighbourhood, the Isola district in Milan.

Isola is a lively and colourful area where people live like in a small village and know each other.

Over time we have grown fond of the people we meet every day and who, in our imagination, have gradually transformed into the characters that inspired the project.


Lorenza Negri and Caterina Pinto, from Milan, founded the communication agency Boombang Design snc in 2006.

FINGERPRINTS / Performing Gender

Gender Bender presents an exhibition of original illustrations by Luca Di Sciullo, Viola Niccolai, Lisa Passaniti and Cristina Portolano and photographs by Elisa D’Errico.

An exhibition that, in its entirety, stems from the work of young Italian illustrators and artists, called upon to follow and document the artistic work conducted by 17 young choreographers and visual artists from Italy, the Netherlands, Croatia and Spain, selected for the European project Performing Gender; training in choreographic production and creation in museums, dedicated to the representation of sexual orientation and gender roles.
The exhibition had its national premiere in Bologna in 2014.

ZONA K presents four albums of sketches, drawings, portraits and stories by Luca Di Sciullo, Viola Niccolai, Lisa Passaniti and Cristina Portolano, together with photos by Elisa D’Errico, which compose a collective diary of the encounter with performers from the European scene and provide a panoramic view of an extraordinary human and artistic experience.

Human Attitude

GGT propone una serie di opere nel suo classico stile pop. Saranno esposte sia tele dipinte a mano sia serigrafie a tiratura limitata, stampate a mano dall’artista stesso.

Ingresso libero

Culture in gioco

Una mostra collettiva “a cielo aperto” realizzata con gli scatti di tutti i fotografici professionisti e dilettanti della zona.

Foto di bambini, di adulti, di ieri e di oggi.
L’Isola com’era e come la ricordiamo.

Volti nuovi e conosciuti che raccontano un quartiere vivace, cosmopolita e in divenire, davvero “in gioco”.

La mostra continua fino al 27 settembre 2015.

@ I nusc’, via Confalonieri 15: Andrea Mariani – Secondo Sole © Andrea Mariani – A13 Studio  

@ Vinario 11, via Confalonieri 11: Luca Rotondo © Luca Rotondo, Total City

@ Ex Mauri, via Confalonieri 5: Virgilio Carnisio

@Amanita, via Confalonieri 21: Chiara Tirloni e Lucrezia Pizzetti

@ Caffè Ambrosiano, via Volturno 48 + @ Bar Alex, via Volturno 42:
Gianmarco Maraviglia – ATM

@ Cum Grano Salis, via Volturno angolo via Pastrengo:
Vincenzo Bruno

Ingresso libero



Human Attitude

GGT propone una serie di opere nel suo classico stile pop. Saranno esposte sia tele dipinte a mano sia serigrafie a tiratura limitata, stampate a mano dall’artista stesso.

Ingresso libero

Sandro Avanzo

In the first half of the 1970s, the US was in the throes of the so-called “Nostalgia Fever” (which some critics dubbed No(w)stalgia).
Numerous independent record labels played on the expiration of copyrights to recover dozens and dozens of soundtracks of old films and to reintroduce to the listener the voices of the great actors of the screen as they had spread over the airwaves in the 30s and 40s, on the hertzian waves of radio sets.
Historical radio dramas such as the famous “Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” or “The War of the Worlds” by Orson Wells were brought back to light and made accessible again from the vinyl grooves.
The adventures of memorable characters, even musicals written specifically for the radio, became available again. A large part of the so-called Radio’s Golden Age came back to life on records with the voices of Bette Davis, the Marx Brothers, Abbott & Costello, Mae West and a very young Judy Garland.

The records in the exhibition are an emblematic anthology of the recordings of that brief but prolific period and were all recorded between 1974 and 1977.
If the motivations behind the phenomenon can be entirely attributed to a commercial aspect of the initiative and certainly not to a cultural aspect, the merit of the legacy that this phenomenon has left on the collective memory front at a time when the dimension of the web as the primary collector of universal memory could not even be hypothesised.

Exhibition curated by Sandro Avanzo

Kulturpalast Wedding and Hannah Goldstein


KLEISTER organises photo exhibitions in public space. Invited photographers meet in the designated place and paste their chosen photos directly onto the wall. The exhibition remains out in the open, available to everyone, and is transformed by time and the interventions of passers-by, until the sun and rain completely erase the images.

KLEISTER brings photography to the street and supports young artists and new creative networks. It is a photographic project born in Berlin from the collaboration between Hannah Goldstein and Katja Haustein.

Curated by Kulturpalast Wedding and Hannah Goldstein