Gianmarco Maraviglia
ZONA K has always been attentive to the language of photography and how it represents reality. So we have decided to reopen our premises with a photographic exhibition that tells with clarity and modesty what has happened and that has upset our daily lives to better understand that question mark on our near future.
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It’s as if something jammed and then broke. Broken time, reality, habits. The sense of freedom, the lightness, a certain arrogance in taking life for granted, even. That life.
Then the day came when everything changed. The light-heartedness was wiped out, a typically Italian gesture was cancelled, the ‘normal’ flow of habits and days was swept away. We have discovered ourselves vulnerable, the universe to be conquered has shrunk to the point of entering our homes. Once the certainties had been pulverised, the scaffolding stripped away, we clung to the only certainties that were still solid.
We have waited, as if we were locked in a bunker, for another entity to give us the green light once again. Our existence has been entrusted first to a bulletin, then to technologies. The word ‘control’ took on the reassuring hues of a cloak of protection.
And finally the reopening. Hurrah. So here we all are in the streets, in a hurry and with the urgency to regain possession of the time that once was, the almost physical need to convince ourselves that it was all over, past, ready to be forgotten.
And yet. We pretended nothing had happened, we wanted nothing to happen. But something still doesn’t work. And it is only now, probably, now that the emotions are settling and sedimenting, that we have the courage and lucidity to understand how much that fracture of the normal has really fixed itself inside us irreversibly. Gianmarco Maraviglia wanted to tell ‘his’ covid, in a narrative somewhere between an intimate account and a photojournalistic investigation, while avoiding the more detailed dimension of the disease. But he too was faced with the dilemma of “misalignment”. How, then, to visually represent and synthesise the change in the sequence of reality that our lives have undergone? Thus was born the glitch, the system error. Images of “matrixian” suggestion that leave open a question about our near future.
Opening – 15 September 2020, 7 pm
On display – 15 to 24 September 2020
Tuesday – Sunday 17.00 – 21.00 Monday 17.00 – 19.00
Free entrance limited to max 20 people at the same time
Ritratti di donne.
“Io sono un’altra”
Foto di donne che si raccontano, ciascuna attraverso due autoritratti: il primo ritrae l’immagine realistica che la donna ha di sé, il secondo ritrae l’immagine di ciò che è, ma rimane nascosto.
Il corpo fotografato non è il loro, bensì quello della performer Camilla Parini che si mette a loro totale disposizione, come materia da plasmare per ricreare l’immagine che hanno di loro stesse.
Sono donne milanesi che provengono da tutto il mondo: Cina, Marocco, Ucraina, Serbia, Siria, Tunisia, Filippine. Insieme ci raccontano frammenti del nuovo universo femminile della nostra città.
Un lavoro artistico sugli stereotipi della femminilità a cura di Collettivo Ingwer in collaborazione con
Ingresso libero
2 dicembre 2015 ore 19.00 [vernissage]
3 – 20 dicembre lun-ven ore 10.00–19.00
La mostra è stata prorogata.
Visitabile previo appuntamento telefonico (02.97378443)
pic. by Martina Tritten