Christian Angeli

Vincitore del Premio internazionale “Spotlight Documentary Film Awards” GOLD AWARD

Un gruppo di giovani con sindrome di Down compie un percorso di conoscenza e di confronto su alcuni temi della politica. Quattro di loro, dopo un costante allenamento, si fanno portavoce delle speranze di tutti, incontrando, negli studi di Radio Radicale, alcuni deputati del Parlamento Italiano di diverso orientamento politico, a cui raccontano le proprie storie e sottopongono richieste precise.


Regia Christian Angeli, prodotto da AIPD Associazione Italiana Persone Down, finanziato dal Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche sociali con la L.383/2000, lett. f, anno finanziario 2014.


Ingresso gratuito con tessera 2018 di ZONA K.
Prenotazione consigliata: 02.97378443

Durata 30 min.

Eric Gobetti – Simone Malavolti (IT)

In collaboration with Istituto Ferruccio Parri


This is an historic road-movie.

The 28 of June 1914, in Sarajevo, two gunshots put an end to the Belle Epoque and inaugurate the short century, the century of extremisms, of world wars, of totalitarian regimes, of big ideologies and big tragedies. One hundred years separate us from the gunshots that changed the story of humanity. What is left, today, from that event. And from the memories of its protagonists?

The streets are those walked by Gavrilo Princip and Francesco Ferdinando d’Asburgo, to reach Sarajevo, respectively from Belgrade and Vienna. Two journeys in the Europe of today, through borders, stories, memories. In a constant dialogue between present and past, through chats in bars to interviewing the historians. Along the way we discover identity conflicts, contrasting memories and the difficult relationship between nation, nationalism and supra national politics.


A meeting with the director Gobetti follows, with the partecipation of Barbara Bracco, Contemporary history professor UNIMIB and Francesca Rolandi, historian and journalist.


Documentary film with subtitles in Italian– Duration 43 min.


Direction and screenplay Eric Gobetti – Simone Malavolti editing Liviana Davì, Tomaso Brucato sound Pietro Jona (narrator) Edoardo Pezzuto (post production) music Radetzky march, performed by Guido Zorn (bass), Gianni Pantaleo (piano), Matteo Negrin (guitar), Mario Bracco (drums) Danza balcanica, Placido Frisone 2011, Gavrilo Princip, Princip, prod. Ltdfm, 2012 and Sarajevo, Kultur Shock, prod. Koolarrow Records, 2006 production and distribution Sarajevo Rewind, Isabella Guarino.

Simone Malavolti (Florence, 1976) is a historian and is involved in teaching, research, cooperation, travel and cinema. He mainly collaborates with the Associazione Trentino con i Balcani (ATB), the Istituto Storico della Resistenza in Toscana, the Museo Storico del Trentino, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso, but is above all proud of the cultural association Passaggi di Storia, of which he is President, and of Balkan Florence Express, a film festival of cinema from the Western Balkans, of which he is co-artistic director. In 2014 he made, with Bianca Pananti and Leonardo Filastò, the documentary film Col nome del delirio about the Florence asylum. She has collaborated on several video projects: the multimedia exhibition L’Europa dei destinini incrociati, ATB’s docu-investigation Personal (hi)stories, and the historical documentary Sjećanja. Životne priče u Prijedoru/Memories. Stories of life in Prijedor, by the Museo Storico del Trentino.

Eric Gobetti (Turin, 1973) is a historian. He gives lectures and conferences on Yugoslav history, from Gavrilo Princip to the present day. He has published several books including: Dictator by chance. Un piccolo duce protetto dall’Italia fascista (2001), on the Croatian Ustascia movement in the 1930s; L’occupazione allegra. Italians in Yugoslavia 1941-1943 (2007); Allies of the Enemy. The Italian Occupation in Yugoslavia (2013), Sarajevo Rewind. One Hundred Years of Europe (2017). In the meantime he explores the Balkans and organises historical tourism trips to the countries of the former Yugoslavia. He recounts many of his adventures in his diary-report Nema problema! Yugoslavia, 10 years of travel (2011). He has recently turned to cinema, collaborating with RaiStoria and producing several video products including Bruce Lee Tvoj Mostar and Around Mostar, The Bridge and Bruce Lee. In 2015 he produced his first historical documentary, Partizani. The Italian Resistance in Montenegro (with music by Massimo Zamboni).

Nella sabbia del Brandeburgo


Soldati della Wehrmacht fucilarono 127 internati militari italiani.
Una strage dimenticata che riemerge dopo decenni.
Dopo la capitolazione del re e di Badoglio dell’8 settembre 1943, ben 650.000 soldati italiani furono deportati in Germania e 50.000 di loro non tornarono più dai campi di lavoro forzato in cui erano stati rinchiusi.

Il documentario dei registi Katalin Ambrus, Nina Mair e Matthias Neumann è un viaggio nella violenza dimenticata, nel silenzio della colpa e nella responsabilità verso la storia.


Presentano il documentario:
Giovanni Scirocco, storico dell’ISTITUTO NAZIONALE FERRUCCIO PARRI
Nina Mair e Matthias Neumann, registi


Ingresso libero c/o ZONA K
prenotazione consigliata:


OUT OF FOCUS Filmproduktion, D 2016


Una collaborazione
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Gob Squad (DE/UK)

Seven film sequences are reinterpreted and remade by seven performers in seven different locations in Berlin. The original and its copy are shown simultaneously on two screens, one a distorted mirror of the other, as in the game “find the differences”. The escalators of the central station are the mountains of the Far West, the fairground is the field of a historic battle, Pfennigland – a ‘Everything for a Euro’ type shop – is the interior of the spaceship Enterprise.

These are death scenes of great characters from cult films. Contemporary society no longer dwells on death. It announces it, shows it, but passes over it, there is no time to reflect, no time to assimilate, no time to pause. This installation works on that pause, on that missing time, and puts the spectator at the centre of this relationship-reaction.


In English and German, with Italian subtitles.


A project by Gob Squad Arts Collective developed and performed by Johanna Freiburg, Sean Patten, Sharon Smith, Berit Stumpf, Sarah Thom, Bastian Trost, Simon Will editing Sharon Smith with advice from Ute Schall sound Jeff McGrory colour correction Carsten Görtz production assistant Hilde Tuinstra interiors Annelies Puddy, Alfredo Martins Gob Squad producer Eva Hartmann with financial support from Berliner Kulturverwaltung thanks to all the shop assistants and security agents who turned a blind eye while we shot this film first screening 3. 12.2009 at HAU in Berlin/Germany

Annalisa Piras and Bill Emmott (IT/UK)

Documentary, winner of the prestigious 2016 Civis Media Award, awarded by the President of Germany for Best European Information.

A plane, in the midst of severe turbulence, tries to land in various European capitals but no airport gives permission. The old continent fell into total chaos. On board the plane, an elderly passenger tells an unsuspecting girl about a failed Europe.

Fiction, reality or premonition?


The documentary film directed by filmmaker, journalist and director of the Wake Up Foundation Annalisa Piras and produced by Bill Emmott (former editor of the Economist and President of The London Library and the Wake Up Foundation) shows a dystopian future in which the European Union no longer exists. Everything is portrayed in a lucid and straightforward way, from the rise of nationalism to seven years of economic crisis and growing dissatisfaction with democracy.

The stories told by five citizens from five EU countries make the whole thing true.

In English with Italian subtitles 

Maya Newell

Maya Newell ci racconta la vita quotidiana di Gus, Ebony, Matt e Graham, quattro bambini australiani tra i 10 e i 12 anni, figli di coppie gay e lesbiche, alle prese con i primi dilemmi, desideri e fragilità dell’adolescenza. Gus è un appassionato di wrestling; Ebony sogna di diventare una cantante pop; Graham non sa leggere; e Matt è nel mezzo di una crisi esistenzial-religiosa.

Un ritratto emozionante e vero di che cosa significa essere una famiglia moderna e dover affrontare il pregiudizio della comunità in cui si vive, raccontato con gli occhi e le parole dei diretti protagonisti. “Gayby Baby non è una pubblicità per le famiglie queer, ma un film dove famiglie amorevoli lottano per bisogni e valori contrastanti, dove i genitori reagiscono in maniera eccessiva e a volte i bambini restano delusi. Le famiglie omogenitoriali non sono perfette, ma non sono meno perfette di qualsiasi altro tipo di famiglia” (Maya Newell).

In collaborazione con Gender Bender.

In inglese con sottotitoli in italiano. Per bambini dai 10 anni e adulti.