What builds the identity of a continent, a nation, a city?
In 2013 ZaLab landed in Australia to investigate, together with African and Italian migrants, with second generations of Australians of Somali, Ethiopian, Italian and Congolese origin, the sense of belonging to a country, their roots, the contribution of past and present migration, the contribution that the cultures that emigrated to the “new world” have made to the creation of Australian identity.
From this reflection come the most varied stories, translated into 10 short films, which show a comparison between past and present, between different cultures found in a land that has given them a future, but at a high price.
ZaLab is an association for the production, distribution and promotion of social documentaries and cultural projects. It is a collective of five filmmakers and social workers: Matteo Calore, Stefano Collizzolli, Maddalena Grechi, Andrea Segre, Sara Zavarise. Participatory video is the workshop of stories. ZaLab’s workshops are aimed at those who live on the fringes and do not normally express themselves through video, but thanks to the workshop course they can become authors of new stories about reality. The documentary is the story of reality. ZaLab’s documentaries can be born from a workshop or from the individual choices of the authors: they transform forgotten lives into stories for cinema and television. Since 2006, ZaLab has produced and distributed internationally award-winning documentaries, including: “Limbo” by Matteo Calore and Gustav Hofer, “Il pane a Vita” by Stefano Collizzolli, “Mare Chiuso” by Andrea Segre and Stefano Liberti, “Il sangue verde” by Andrea Segre, “I nostri anni migliori” by Stefano Collizzolli and Matteo Calore, “Come un uomo sulla terra” by Andrea Segre and Dagmawi Yimer. It has carried out participatory video workshops in the Tunisian desert, in a Palestinian village in the West Bank, in the suburbs of Barcelona, with asylum seekers in Bologna and Rome, with children from the Aeolian islands, with second-generation youth in Padua, with Italian migrants in Australia. ZaLab also promotes social campaigns to spread democracy and minority rights, especially thanks to the civil distribution network it has built up over the years to encourage the free circulation of films and documentaries.
Corti Sfusi
Selezione di cortometraggi dal mondo sul tema del gioco. Un aperitivo all’insegna della cultura del vedere e degustare buon vino.
A cura di MilanoFilmFestival
Partecipazione gratuita con consumazione obbligatoria
Corti Sfusi
Selezione di cortometraggi dal mondo sul tema del gioco.
Un aperitivo all’insegna della cultura del vedere e degustare buon vino.
A cura di MilanoFilmFestival
Ingresso libero con consumazione obbligatoria
con visioni in corto
A special selection of short films by young German authors from the latest editions of the MilanoFilmFestival.
In collaboration with MilanoFilmFestival.
Consumption obligatory € 7,00
Bow Tie Duty For Squareheads (Fliegenpflicht für Quadratköpfe)
Stephan-Flint Müller, DEU, 2005, miniDV, 13
My life in Berlin, with all my hobbies and an introduction to all my friends. But there are
But there are also hats that weigh 10 tons and posters that fart.
From Here to Eternity
Oliver Pietsch, DEU, 2010, HD, 40
If death is the biggest taboo that cinema has dissolved, the afterlife is pure imagination.
staged in the most diverse ways, from Murnau to Tim Burton. Berlin-based artist Pietsch has collected and edited
Pietsch, a Berlin-based artist, has collected and edited a thousand sequences, grouped by ingenious associations: murders,
disease and natural disasters; punishment, limbo and forgiveness. From Edwin S. Porter onwards, editing has become God.
from Edwin S. Porter onwards, editing has become God, and From Here to Eternity is a stunning mortuary celebration.
Paul Leyton , DEU, 2000, super8 , 8
Death? A man has an accident at work: while some colleagues take him away, he begins to think about the meaning of life and death, through memories, fantasies and nightmares.
Under Ground (Unter der erde)
Christian Moris Müller, DEU, 2002, 35mm, 9 min.
Unter der Erde is a film without words. An attempt to transcend and make invisible the barriers between different realities.
What Would the Drop Know About That? (Was weiss der Tropfen davon?)
Jan Zabeil, DEU, 2007, 16mm, 12″.
An atmospheric approach to the Reichstag Building, seat of the German Parliament, through the eyes of two young cleaners.
Twelve and a Half Minutes (Zwölf 1/2 Minuten)
Joschua Douma, DEU, 2003, Betacam, 14 min.
The average member of our (German) society is male, 38 years old and gets up at 8:15 a.m. On a normal day he will do normal things that will lead him to ask himself a lot of questions every evening about his existence. To do this he usually has 12½ minutes once he goes to bed before falling asleep.
The Surprise (Die Überraschung)
Lancelot von Naso, DEU, 2004, 35mm, 10
A film about the unexpected. Often there is a very subtle difference, or a very small gap, between comedy and tragedy. Olaf wants to win back his ex-girlfriend and sneaks into her flat to prepare a surprise for her. But will he succeed in making her happy? And who will be surprised in the end?
Energy! (Energie!)
Thorsten Fleisch, DEU, 2007, miniDV, 5
From a purely technical point of view, the screen is animated by a controlled beam of electrons in the cathode ray tube. To make Energie!, a photographic film was exposed to a discharge of about 30,000 volts and then re-edited to create new visual systems of electron organisation.
Lovesick (Liebeskrank)
Spela Cadez, DEU/SVN, 2007, 35mm, 8 min.
A pain in the heart, tears that never dry and turned heads that are difficult to deal with, but fortunately not incurable…
After the success of FOCUS BALCANI, which took place in autumn 2013 also thanks to the contribution of Regione Lombardia, the new season opens with a focus on German artists.
Among the infinite number of possible proposals coming from a country as attentive to theatre and culture as Germany, ZONA K has chosen a small but significant selection of projects that are particularly innovative and effective in terms of attention to the present and analysis of the reality that surrounds us.
The main theme of the entire focus, as of the PLAY-K(ei) season, is the relationship between art and reality, in particular urban reality, and the ability of art to look at, describe and act on reality.
22 October – 5 November 2014
Rimini Protokoll
[participatory urban performance]
Focus Germany is part of Milano Cuore d’Europa, the multidisciplinary cultural programming dedicated to the European identity of our city also through the figures and movements that, with their history and artistic production, have contributed to building its European citizenship and cultural dimension.