Be Flat (BE)

touring acrobatic improvisation performance

The two acrobats of Be Flat have prepared a unique tour of (name city) for a select group of followers. The streets of the city, the facades of the buildings and the cobblestones below are transformed into an urban circus piste. But Follow me is not only a performance to be watched, it is a playful collective journey through public space. So turn off your cell phones, tighten your shoelaces, and lets go!

directors / circusartists Ward mortier, Thomas Decaesstecker dramaturgical advice Craig Weston external viewpoint Sander De Cuyper with the support of Vlaamse gemeenschap coproduction Miramiro partners Circuscentrum, Centre des Arts scéniques, Centre des Arts de la Rue, Latitude 50, Circusplaneet, Circus in beweging et Ell Circo d’ell Fuego

Photo by Yngwie Scheerlinck.

Thomas (Tervuren 1989) and Ward (Ghent 1993) first met at a freerunning gathering in Ghent in 2008. Sharing a mutual passion for music and movement during the ensuing years has led them to a unique and solid friendship. Ward studied Chinese pole combined with acrodance at ESAC (Ecole Supérieure des Arts du Cirque, Brussels). Thomas followed training as acrobat and hand-stand artist in Santiago, Chili at the Escuela De Artes Circenses Del Circo Del Mundo. Their mutual interests, combined with their individual specialisations and experiences, guarantee a broad range of skills to be used in a gamma of contexts and situations.

Animal Religion

C.L.A.P.Spettacolodalvivo, in collaboration with Fira Tàrrega, is pleased to present within PLAY-K(ei):
the extraordinary Catalan company with its cult performance, for the first time in Milan.

Indomador is a performance that moves between theatre, dance and contemporary circus. It draws attention to the oddities of the routine of our daily lives and brings to light the animal hidden in all of us.
It is a grotesque parody of modern man and the culturally predetermined difference between the sexes. The artist on stage unveils his animal instinct and transforms the stage into an “animalarium” made of transgenic bodies, acrobatics, man-cocks, dance rituals.
Indomador is a questioning of the relationships between human and animal, male and female.
But what is animal? What is human?


Quim Girón, is 29 years old and comes from Barcelona, Spain.
He does continuous research in the areas of balancing, music, percussion, clowning and animal movement. After studying at the Rogelio Rivel circus school in Barcelona, his travels took him north where he attended LIDO (circus school, Toulouse, France) for a year, finishing his studies at DOCH (University of Circus and Dance, Stockholm, Sweden) with handstand and acro-dance disciplines.

Animal Religion, a Spanish company, is a collaboration between Niklas Blomberg and Quim Giron, both graduates of the University of Dance and Circus in Stockholm. Their work can be defined as a fusion of contemporary circus, dance and music whose main theme is animality. The audience of Animal Religion can observe the artist’s behaviour not as in a zoo, but in an orderly context where something wild can be safely watched.