Codice Ivan

The exhibition with aperitif is followed by GMGS_What The Hell Is Happiness?

5 – 6 March from 10.00  to 18.00  Collection of materials (neighbourhood streets)
8 – 10 March from 16.00  Installation (at ZONA K)

A survey on the theme of happiness in the streets of the Isola neighbourhood, directly involving citizens who are asked to answer a “simple” question: How should we live?

On 5 and 6 March, Code Ivan will move between the market, the bars during lunch breaks and the evening aperitifs of Milan’s Isola district, to photograph those who want to have their say on what “happiness” means.

The photos will form an installation that can be visited in ZONA K and will be given as a gift to those who have had their photo taken (…they will also get a reduced ticket for the show!).

Do you want to be part of this operation? Be ready!

Codice Ivan

This event is preceded by
 THE CITY OF HAPPINES. Milano Tappa specifica per l’Isola by Codice Ivan

h 21.00 (at ZONA K)
GMGS_What  the hell is happiness

collective creation Codice Ivan
scenes Codice Ivan
original music Private Culture
production Codice Ivan
co-production Centrale Fies
in collaboration with Fondazione del Teatro Stabile di Torino/Prospettiva
with the support of FAF (Florence), Contemporanea Festival/Teatro Metastasio Stabile della Toscana
creative residencies Centrale Fies (Dro), Pim Off (Milan), FAF (Florence), Spazio K Kinkaleri (Prato)
Codice Ivan thanks nEXt Emerson (Florence), Private Culture, Simona Bonacina.

Codice Ivan is part of the Fies Factory project


There is only one innate error, and that is to believe that we exist to be happy. (A. Schopenhauer)

The project GIVE ME MONEY, GIVE ME SEX_What the hell is happiness? (GMGS), stems from the need to confront a concept, an engine of everyday life and its often obsessive search: happiness. Everyone struggles to achieve it without understanding where or how to go. The only certainty is the (self-)banishment from a perfect world, and the awareness of the daily difficulty of choice. And so we ask ourselves: how should we live?

Codice Ivan was founded in 2008 by Anna Destefanis, Leonardo Mazzi and Benno Steinegger. The group’s work was immediately oriented mainly towards the performing arts/theatre, but it also started a research path aimed at using different formats. In 2009 they won the Scenario Prize with Pink, Me & The Roses and in 2011 the TransartPrize with the project SCORE. 
Since 2009 Codice Ivan has been part of Fies Factory, a project of Centrale Fies.


PLAY K(ei) is also 0-99