The Spanish War in the cinema memory 1936-2016
On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Spanish Civil War, a brief excursus into the media world of the time.
Radio, newspapers, newsreels and cinema took on an ideological dimension, becoming instruments of propaganda capable of orienting domestic and international public opinion.
A discussion with Aurora Palandrani (Aamod) and historian Alessandro Hobel.
From h. 17.30:
The Spanish Earth directed by Joris Ivens [text and voice of Ernest Hemingway].
National preview [in language with Italian subtitles / Usa, 1937, 53′].
Cinegiornali dell’Istituto Luce (Fascist propaganda newsreels, Italy, 1936, 20′)
España 1936 by Luis Buñuel and Jean Paul Le Chanois [France, 1937,34′].
Curated by: Archivio Audiovisivo del Movimento Operaio e Democratico (Aamod), Associazione italiana combattenti volontari antifascisti di Spagna (Aicvas), Istituto Nazionale per la Storia del Movimento di Liberazione in Italia (Insmli). In collaboration with Istituto Luce – Cinecittà