A theatrical fiction on citizenship rights that tells the story of the transition from adolescence to adulthood of a second-generation girl grappling with the construction of her identity, conflict with her family and her relationship with her origins, and the obstacles caused by missed citizenship rights in school life and in the world of sport. The story focuses on a pivotal moment in the protagonist’s life: her turning 18, and sees her coming to terms with the desires, expectations and renunciations that this ‘milestone’ brings to her existence. The show talks about school, the relationship between generations, education, privileges acquired by birth and rights denied by law. The adolescent characters are played by girls and boys met along the production route, while adult actors and actresses represent the family and the educating community. The show marks the culmination of three years of work by the Guinea Pigs Performing Arts Laboratory with groups of teenagers in Milan and Lombardy. Every aspect of the creative process is conceived, written in collaboration, and in dialogue with the working group: a collective and transgenerational creation process where each participant finds a space for storytelling, action, and representation. L’Italia è relativa also wants to be an opportunity to reflect on the unconscious privilege that concerns a large part of the population that is already Italian and to publicly question ourselves on what is the society we are imagining or are consciously deciding not to imagine.
a performance by Giulia Tollis and Riccardo Mallus with Letizia Bravi, Marco De Francesca, Ivna Lamart and Ilenia Mia Carrozzo, Giovanni Di Ponziano Tiffany Guaygua dramaturgy Giulia Tollis with contributions by Annasimon Hanna Edward Botros and the actresses and actors directed Riccardo Mallus and Mohamed Boughanmi Rengifo video Julian Soardi sound design Flavia Ripa set design and costumes Stefano Zullo technical direction Marco Ottolini with the precious collaboration of Federica Incrocci with the consultancy Nicola Datena of the Association Le Carbet of Milan and Na. Co. – Narrazioni Contaminate of Turin We would like to thank AGS Pallavolo Milano and the Istituto Comprensivo ‘Gino Capponi’ of Milan and all the people we met in the high schools and in the creation workshops who contributed to the realisation of this show We would like to thank Irene Timpanaro for her red Citroën C3 A Laboratorio d’Arte Performativa Guinea Pigs production, with the support of MiC and SIAE in the framework of the programme ‘Per Chi Crea’ with the support of Intercettazioni – Centro di Residenza Artistica della Lombardia, a project of Circuito CLAPS and Industria Scenica, Laagam, Teatro delle Moire, ZONA K with the support of ZONA K, Industria Scenica, Ilinxarium multidisciplinary artistic residency, Casa degli Artisti di Milano, Compagnia Carnevale, Centro Culturale Barrio’s
Photo by the artist
Laboratorio d’Arte Performativa Guinea Pigs creates performances, installations, events, and cultural experiences that investigate social issues in theatrical spaces and urban contexts and are the result of meetings and collaborations with third parties operating in the social field and other artistic disciplines. In 2022 the company, together with the publishing house Marcos Y Marcos and the Arci Post club in Parma, planned and realised a cycle of digital and live events to promote the fruition and diffusion of poetry as part of the project Atlante Sonoro della Poesia Mondiale (Sound Atlas of World Poetry) financed by the Fondazione Cariparma.
Workshop per ideare e realizzare un cortometraggio
Inventiamo una storia da raccontare per immagini, scriviamo la sceneggiatura, scegliamo le location, le inquadrature.
I protagonisti sarete voi!
TEEN IN ACTION!è un workshop di otto incontri per ideare e realizzare un cortometraggio di cui le ragazze e i ragazzi saranno autori e attori: un video da girare all’aperto, nel bellissimo ed eccentrico quartiere Isola di Milano, nel pieno rispetto delle normative Anti Covid19.
Liberiamo la creatività! Mettiamola in azione!
Il Workshop TEEN IN ACTION! prevede:
– elementi di sceneggiatura
– tecniche di ripresa e montaggio
– esercizi di recitazione per il video
_____________________ CALENDARIO: maggio 4, 11, 18, 25 + giugno 1, 8, 15, 22
Costo € 180,00 per 8 lezioni di un’ora e mezza cad.
Compila subito il modulo d’iscrizione cliccando >>> QUI<<<
Il workshop si attiverà al raggiungimento del numero minimo di partecipanti, in caso contrario, la quota anticipata verrà interamente rimborsata. Il percorso prevede un numero chiuso di partecipanti.
Nel caso in cui si dovesse tornare in zona rossa le lezioni in presenza subiranno una sospensione. Si verificherà, al momento, la fattibilità dell’online (al massimo 2 lezioni): le attività teoriche, a differenza di quelle pratiche, potranno essere svolte anche da remoto. Le lezioni saltate verranno recuperate in presenza appena possibile, raddoppiando gli appuntamenti settimanali. Non saranno previsti rimborsi per le lezioni perse. _____________________
Il percorso è tenuto da Davide Stecconi, diplomato alla Civica Scuola d’Arte Drammatica Paolo Grassi 1999 (corso Drammaturgia). Dal 2000, alternandosi come sceneggiatore e regista, ha scritto e diretto cortometraggi e lungometraggi e alcune fiction per la TV fra cui la serie Piloti – Rai2 -. Più recentemente collabora alla realizzazione di spot per il web e documentari come filmaker.
Mammalian Diving Reflex Darren O’Donnell (CA)
Nightwalks with Teenagers invites a group of teenagers to take over a neighboyrhood in their city, organizing a night walk in which they will guide the spectators.
“A performance that is a small miracle.” The Guardian
In all the work of the Canadian group, guided by Darren O’Donnell, the social dimension is at the center of a research that materializes in active participation that aim to increase the critical spirit of the public.
With this project, Mammalian Diving Reflex creates the conditions for a unprecented encounter between young and adults, between people from different geographical, culture, socio-economical and race backgrounds that normally don’t have the occasion or motives to spend time together.
The performance is the result of the collaboration between the artists of the group and the group of youngsters involved, developed in a series of workshops that last two weeks.
Concept and direction: Darren O’Donnell. Co-directed by: Tina Fance, Kiera O’Brien, Virginia Antonipillai, Sanjay Ratnan. Executive producer: Eva Verity, Tina Fance. Photography: Martin-Steffen, Amish Morrell, Paul Blakemore, Mammalian Diving Reflex. Created in collaboration with the students of Liceo linguistico Itas Natta, Milan. Production: ZONA K and FOG Triennale Milano Performing Arts. This presentation of Teentalitarianism is made possible in part by the support of the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council.
Mammalian Diving Reflex Darren O’Donnell (CA)
Will you give me the moon?
With the closing of the TEENTALITARIANISM journey, dedicated to teenagers, the Ask for the moon event will be the opportunity for them to publibly expose their works and snatch promeses to the organizers.
Concept and direction: Darren O’Donnell. Co-directed by: Tina Fance, Kiera O’Brien, Virginia Antonipillai, Sanjay Ratnan. Executive producer: Eva Verity, Tina Fance. Production: ZONA K. Photo: Konstantin Bock. This presentation of Theentalitarianism is made possible in part through the support of the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council.