Giulia Scotti (IT)
from 4 to 6 December 2024 h. 19.30
show | duration 60 min
c/o ZONA K, admission allowed with membership 2024
In my family there are stories that are not told in the belief that what is not told will never be known. Of my aunt’s story no one ever told my brother and me anything, what we did know was that my father had three sisters and that we now have two aunts and that therefore one of the three was no longer alive, Daniela. I have no memories of her alive, nor of us together. There is a photograph of her, I remember that one, I never liked it, it’s a bit grainy, a bit anonymous, and my aunt’s face is yellow, or at least that’s how it looked to me when I looked at it as a child. It is the photo you give to friends and relatives on the day of the funeral. When she died nobody told me. I have an image of that afternoon. I am walking through the house, I stop in front of my parents’ bathroom, I have a feeling. The door is half-open, I look inside: there is my father, standing there, his arms long, outstretched, leaning against the sink, he is crying, desperately crying, shaking, but without making a sound. I remember being worried because I had never seen my father cry.
I grew up and didn’t think about it any more: my aunt was dead and death brings sadness, which is why, I imagined, no one ever talked about it. Then one day, I was twenty-five, my father came to me and told me Daniela’s story. He did it without stopping, without omitting anything, as if he had been waiting for that moment all his life. This is the story of my aunt as I heard it from my dad, it is the story of a man who wants to save his sister from death but cannot.
Almost everything is true, some parts are made up.” Giulia Scotti
Winner of the ‘’ Dante Cappelletti 2023 Award
Special mention bando Odiolestate 2023text and direction Giulia Scotti collaboration on the project Andrea Pizzalis consultancy Alessandra Ventrella with Giulia Scotti lighting design Elena Vastano sound Lemmo co-production INDEX, production residence Carrozzerie | n.o. t with the support of IntercettAzioni – Centro di Residenza Artistica della Lombardia, Centro di Residenza della Toscana (Armunia – CapoTrave/Kilowatt), Olinda/TeatroLaCucina in collaboration with mare culturale urbano, Ex Asilo Filangieri production, organisation, administration Valentina Bertolino, Silvia Parlani, Grazia Sgueglia communication Francesco Di Stefano
We would like to thank Antonio Tagliarini, Fabiana Iacozzilli, Francesco Alberici for having believed in it first. Special thanks to Daria Deflorian for supporting the project
Pic by the artist
Giulia Scotti graduated as an actress from Grock – Theatre School. She participates as an actress in several shows, the latest of which Elogio della vita a rovescio directed by Daria Deflorian; in addition to her theatrical practice she explores different expressive mediums, until she approaches comics. In 2018 she was selected for the European project Artists@Work. Fermata Rogoredo was born, a short comic-strip story exhibited during the festival of Internazionale in Ferrara, ed. 2018. In 2020 her debut comic Tutto quello che non ho dimenticato won the first prize, awarded by the writer Paolo Cognetti, of the Milano Pitch for the adult fiction book section. In 2019 he founded, together with a collective of actresses and actors, the Praxis association, which works by proposing a blend of performing arts, anthropological discipline and social research methods. What is not there is the personal project currently in the works.