Costanza Givone
17 - 19 May 2013
h. 21.00
the evening begins with Ingoia e fai finta di niente
a performance by and with Costanza Givone
set design and lighting design Samuele Mariotti
assistant director and designer João Vladimiro
photos Luís Martins
A young woman meets herself in a space that is neither inside nor outside: the skeleton of a room. An ancient game of chess reveals to her the story of a perfectly shaped princess named Salome. A head falls off. There is no turning back. The head stares motionless at the girl, for eternity. Escape is impossible. They belong to each other, there is nothing left for them but to live, in a grotesque world, where reality is madness, and only in a dream is peace found.
A performance inspired by Salome’s story about the loss of self. The mind is shipwrecked, the lights that guide us go out, the floor crumbles under our feet in a show where dance, theatre and plastic arts meet.
A chess game tells us about Salome’s life, a clay head, which transforms in the actress’s hands, reveals her inner world.
I am interested in the encounter between the arts; in my work as in my training, I navigate the boundaries between the different artistic disciplines. Important people in my artistic training are the director N.Karpov (theatre biomechanics), the dancers and choreographers Virgilio Sieni, Simona Bucci, Sofia Neuparth, Ainhoa Vidal, Peter Michael Dietz, Vera Mantero, the dancers of the figure theatre company Derevo, Thanya Kabarova and Alexej Merkushev, the actress Gey Pin Ang (Grotowsky centre), the singer and vocal researcher Gabriella Bartolomei. I also consider fundamental for my growth the work as performer and co-creator with the Zaches Teatro company in italy and with the choreographers Madalena Victorino and Aldara Bizarro in Portugal. (Costanza Givone)
PLAY K(ei) is also 0-99