The Digital Residencies project was born in 2020 from an idea of the Residency Center of Tuscany (Armunia, CapoTrave/Kilowatt), which has since extended the partnership to Cooperativa Anghiari Dance Hub, Associazione Marchigiana Attività Teatrali AMAT, ATCL Associazione Teatrale dei Comuni del Lazio for Spazio Rossellini, Centro di Residenza dell’Emilia-Romagna (L’Arboreto – Teatro Dimora di Mondaino, La Corte Ospitale in Rubiera), Fondazione Luzzati Teatro della Tosse in Genova, Associazione ZONA K in Milano.
The intent is to stimulate the artists of the performing arts to explore the digital space, as a further or different declination of their authorial research.
Through a call launched annually, we support artistic projects related to the languages of the contemporary scene and performance, which are born directly for the digital environment or in it they find a functional and effective framework for the explication of the artistic idea. The aim is not to promote readings or video recordings of existing texts or performances, but to invest in artistic projects that have their ideal habitat in the web space and that provide interactive ways to relate to the online viewer.
During the months in which the winning projects of the annual call are developed, the artists are followed and monitored by the partners of the action, receive economic support for the creation and are supported by the tutoring of Laura Gemini, Anna Maria Monteverdi and Federica Patti, experts in digital creation.
The project includes a final online return open to the public, held every November, in an event called “The Digital Residency Week”.
With this action, the Residency Center of Toscany and its partners do not want to give up their vocation of welcoming artists in residence in their facilities, but rather want to explore a further opportunity for creation that opens up new formal and conceptual challenges, produces innovative artistic content and complements the usual forms of enjoyment of live performance.