Michele Losi/ Pleiadi Art Productions (IT)
3 - 6 October 2019
h. 17.00
R 500 – Safari in the urban labyrinth #studio I. Neverland is an itinerant and participatory performance that leads the public to explore nature, sometimes hidden from our eyes, and its complex relationship with urban architecture and inhabitants, in a narrow 500-metre radius between ZONA K and the Biblioteca degli Alberi.
The performance is the result of a collective work of artistic research and scientific analysis of this specific 500-metre radius: performers, ecologists, architects and musicians give life to an engaging and unique urban safari, composed of sound fragments, stories, visions and encounters.
Urban game for 66 spectators – in Italian
A project by Pleiadi, Campsirago Residenza, in collaboration with ZONA K (I), The Intrnational Accademy for Natural Arts (NL), BAM – Biblioteca degli Alberi Milano (I), With the support of IntercettAzioni – Centro di Residenza Artistica della Lombardia (a project of Circuito CLAPS and ZONA K, Industria Scenica, Milano Musica, Teatro delle Moire) artistic and scientific team Michele Losi, Sjoerd Wagenaar, Sofia Bolognini, Liliana Benini, Luca Maria Baldini, Emilio Padoa Schioppa, Studio Pasta Madre collective.
Pleiadi Art Productions was founded in 2015 as part of Campsirago Residenza. It is an open and multidisciplinary production project that stems from the theatrical and performance experience of Michele Losi and the artistic experience of actress Mariasofia Alleva, together with Riccardo Calabrò, playwright, Marialuisa Bafunno, set designer, Stefania Coretti, costume designer and visual artist, Alberto Sansone, videomaker, Diego Dioguardi, sound designer, musician and DJ. It focuses on experimentation in the field of performing art, theatre in the landscape and site-specific productions. Pleiadi is a place open to artists from different disciplines and backgrounds who share the aim of creating art also for those who are not used to it: for those who, for example, have never been to the theatre or have stopped coming.