Imaginometric Society &
Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera (IT)


6 - 10 December 2019
h. 09.30 - 18.30

The Imaginometric Society, founded by a group of students from the Brera Academy and the Milan Conservatory of Music, created the project that represented Italy at the Quadrennial Stage Design Exhibition in Prague (June 2019), which was awarded the Award for Imagination.

The Milan Experiment develops the research on human imagination begun in Prague, adding new possibilities to the Imaginometer, the instrument designed to demonstrate the first imaginometric principle: imagination is what makes us human. Admitted one by one into the heart of the Imaginometer, the Performative Machine, visitors will live an immersive, personalized and unrepeatable experience, relentlessly realising the second imaginometric principle: imagination increases by reflecting itself. The collective imagination of the Milan Experiment will draw the face of the next research, linked to the third imaginometric principle: imagination cannot be reproduced, but only recreated each time.


c/o Sala delle adunanze of the Istituto Lombardo, via Brera 28


A project of the School of Scenography, Academy of Brera and the School of Electronic Music, Conservatory of Milan in collaboration with the School of Communication and Enhancement of the Artistic Heritage, Academy of Brera, with the support of Istituto Lombardo, Academy of Sciences and Letters, with the support of IntercettAzioni – Centre for Artistic Residency of Lombardy (a project of Circuito CLAPS and ZONA K, Industria Scenica, Milano Musica, Teatro delle Moire), technical sponsor EVO GROUP and with the participation of friends, young and old, of ZONA K





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