Opera retablO (CH)


19 - 21 May 2017
h. 20.30

Köszeg, loosely based on Ágota Kristóf’s The Big Notebook, tells of identity, separation, of a humanity condemned to the limit, to the edge, and of its great capacity for resilience.

The protagonists of Köszeg are two brothers, indivisible and interchangeable as if they had only one soul. Two small adults with prodigious intelligence who, thanks to the logic of survival, develop a crystal-clear and brutal ethic of life. Around them move characters drawn with a few bare strokes in a context of hunger and death.

A hard performance where everything is made fierce and essential by a clear and direct acting. In the succession of images, always poised between adulthood and childhood, Köszeg proposes, through a strong resonance with current events and migratory flows, a raw, touching story that leaves no room for digressions and where love, war, violence, fragility, clandestinity, emigration, identity and loss of identity are the protagonists.


A creation: Opera retablO Director: Ledwina Costantini by and with: Ledwina Costantini and Daniele Bernardi costumes: Caterina Foletti scenography: Opera retablO and Michele Tognetti Production: Opera retablO in co-production with Teatro Sociale Bellinzona with the support of: Swisslos/ Pro Helvetia / Tognetti- auto/ Carthesio SA


Opera retablO was founded in 2008 in Sessa (Canton Ticino) and is a space that hosts and promotes artistic and cultural contaminations, born from the need to provide the creations of Ledwina Costantini, an actress-creator from Ticino, with a network of collaborations and an organisational and logistical structure. Opera retablO proposes creations poised between the innovative and the archaic; works that give substance to a modern and destabilising catharsis. The association’s activities take place nationally and internationally.

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