Special IETM Milan
Festival del Silenzio
On the occasion of the IETM Satellite Meeting in Milan – organized by Fattoria Vittadini and in parallel with the Festival del Silenzio, ZONA K gladly accepts the invitation to introduce itself to the IETM’s international audience by presenting and transcribing in English Generazione gLocale, its first production, realized for Migrarti 2017, in collaboration with Andrea Ciommiento and Roger Bernat.
At the same time, he welcomes to the venue the English version of My Place by QUI E ORA, ZONA K’s partner in the early days and a regular attendee of IETM’s appointments.
2 May 2019
gLocal Generation
– Site specific –
2 May 2019
My Place
– c/o ZONA K –
Qui e Ora (IT)
There are three half-naked bodies exposed on stage on purpose: alive and uncensored body masses, true and far different from those usually exposed. Three women. Not young anymore, not yet old, definitely not perfect. Yet they are beautiful, for they are authentic. In a surreal show, they offer themselves to the public as they are, bodies without home or space, evicted from their own self. Off to follow, devour and multiply their own shadows. An ironic and tragicomic look at femininity.
In My Place, the quest for a movement that emerges from the nonconventional bodies of actresses-authoresses of Qui e Ora and the experimentation of self-produced dramaturgy meet Silvia Gribaudi’s ironic approach to and research on the contemporary.
in English
Progetto/Project Qui e Ora Residenza Teatrale Ricerca materiali/Material research Francesca Albanese, Silvia Baldini, Silvia Gribaudi, Laura Valli Regia/Direction Silvia Gribaudi Assistente alla regia/Direction Assistent Roberto Riseri Con/With Francesca Albanese, Silvia Baldini, Laura Valli Immagini visive/Visual images Silvia Gribaudi Disegno luci/Light design Silvia Gribaudi, Domenico Cicchetti Technical care Paolo Tizianel Photo Michela Di Savino Residenze/Residence La Piccionaia (Vicenza) | L’arboreto – Teatro Dimora (Mondaino RN) | Olinda –Teatro La Cucina (Milano) Finalista/Finalist In-Box 2017
Qui e Ora Residenza Teatrale was founded in 2007. It is a production company and a theatrical residence, it works on autographed dramaturgies, with a strong attention to the contemporary. It works in close contact with the territory and promotes cultural projects related to theatre in unusual places. For years it has been experimenting with the home through theatrical investigations that have led to encounters with houses and people and through the programming of a theatre review in private homes. Qui e Ora works on the theme of the feminine through workshops, investigations and the production of shows (2012 MADRI concerto di sbagli e di intimità, 2013 A corto di bugie, 2014 Saga Salsa). The meeting of Qui e Ora Residenza Teatrale with the choreographer and performer.
Silvia Gribaudi is based on a common thematic interest and on similar experiences developed in the field of training, around different aspects of the feminine.