6 possible audio paths
6 video stories to discover
6 songs to listen to




Seix5 is a creative audio guide to discover the places, monuments and history of Milan’s Cinque Vie, through words, songs, music, anecdotes and videos.

Participants will be virtually led through the “Cinque Vie” district by means of an audio story created by ZONA K and interpreted by the duo Duperdu: a true artistic experience that conveys historical information and content, linking past and present, notions and emotions, enhancing the heritage of memories and meanings of the Cinque Vie district.

By scrolling through the virtual map, it will be possible to venture into the underground Milan of Leonardo’s Crypt and then into the narrow and mysterious Via Bagnera, or to discover the ancient crafts, to lose oneself in history and magic in the five star-shaped streets, or to find traces of the old Mediolanum.

You can decide whether to follow one of the two routes through the main stops (Piazza San Sepolcro, Piazza Mentana, the intersection of the Five Ways, Via Gorani, Via Brisa and Piazza Affari) or choose to follow the themed itineraries (Mystery, Trades, Music and Traces).

The voice of the Duperdu will accompany the journey with stories, songs and anecdotes, and at each stage a video will help immerse you in the atmosphere of the places.


SEIx5 is available on izi.Travel platform
click here to participate clicca qui per partecipare


A project by ZONA K in collaboration with Minima Theatralia. Texts and artistic coordination Federica Di Rosa narrating voice, original music, audio editing and songs by Duperdu_Marta M. Marangoni and Fabio Wolf filming and video editingDavide Stecconi graphicsStefano Orfeo Montagnana with the collaboration of Silvia Orlandi and Federica Bruscaglioni for ZONA K,Dianora Zacché and Anna Bellelli for Minima Theatralia Thanks to Michele Figlioli of Pinacoteca Ambrosiana for the images; Barbara Affaticati of SIAM for the filming authorisation; Mr Maurizio, a valuable guide within SIAM; Alberto Mereghetti of Ferramenta Mereghetti and Ludovica Ventura of B Restaurant for the interviews and availability; Lorenzo Bregant for his kindness and the action cam.

The SEIx5 project was born in response to the Municipality 1 of Milan’s tender on the enhancement of the historical, artistic and cultural heritage of the Cinque Vie. Following the Dpcm of 24 October, the project born to bring the public through the streets of the district was remodelled by ZONA K and Minima Theatralia through the creation of the virtual audio guide.