Studio Azzurro (IT)
17 October 2019 h. 21.30
Projection of the film L’uomo che cammina (The walking man), an artistic project realised by DOM- in its Milanese edition.
A video work realised by Studio Azzurro, a historical group of artistic research that explores video language and media environments, combining the application of technologies with the idea of an art with a social vocation.
During the course of the evening speakers will include: Antonio Moresco, Leonardo Delogu, Valerio Sirna, Studio Azzurro and Repubblica Nomade.
c/o Cinema Beltrade Via Nino Oxilia 10 – M1 Pasteur
video project by Studio Azzurro curated by Alberto Danelli, Laura Marcolini, Martina Rosa, based on the live-perfomance of the same name by DOM-, concept, dramaturgy and direction by Leonardo Delogu, Valerio Sirna with Antonio Moresco and with Francesca Agabiti, Isabella Macchi, Paola Galassi, with the participation of the students of ITAS Giulio Natta, with the contribution of Teatro Stabile dell’Umbria collaboration Museo Del Novecento, Milano Sport, Abbazia di Chiaravalle, Hotel Corvetto